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  Frankhuizen, Richard
NameRichard Frankhuizen
, California , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedUser 13
Jan 16, 2004 02:01pm
InfoEngineer, Consultant & '99 Sacramento Utility Board Candidate

Seeking new life and opportunities, Richard Frankhuizen's parents emigrated from Holland to the United States just prior to his birth. After arriving in the United States, his father first employment was as a gas station attendant. Richard's father, however, would eventually realize the American Dream join a start-up company as a Mechanical Engineer. That company was Diablo Systems Inc.; the same company that went on to develop the first personal computer containing a hard drive. Inspired by his father's initiative, motivation and ultimate success, Richard developed a deep interest and appreciation for technology and business.

Through his father Richard developed an uncompromising work ethic and subsequently sought employment at a young age. He worked a variety of places; including an ice arena as a skate guard and later at a local boat shop. Richard found that he excelled in the area of boating and while employed at the boat shop gained increasing responsibility for the care and maintenance of the boats. Coupling his interest in technology, business and boating Richard attended the California State University Maritime Academy in Vallejo. It was there that Richard earned his B.S. in Marine Engineering and graduated in the top 10% of his class.

After graduating from the Maritime Academy, Richard worked in corporate technical positions ranging from facilities, manufacturing and shipping to business analysis and management. Richard's career success has been demonstrated by his capability to produce positive results in every position he has held. After many years of work, Richard's continued success and knack for business management led him to achieve his MBA from Golden Gate University. Richard is currently employed as an Engineering and Project Management Consultant for an infrastructure services company.

Richard feels that his background and life experiences are similar to those of many Americans. Within his life, he has been strengthened by his personal experience of both difficult times and challenging projects and easy times; his ability to relate to all people has been developed and is ultimately evidenced in his personal and professional background. In seeking public office, he aims to provide needed diversity within the existing structure of lawmakers. Doing this will require Richard to transgress partisan boundaries and make a stand for all American people impacted by any current and future legislative issues. His bi-partisan perspective and excellent educational and occupational background qualifies him as the right representative to ensure a thriving economy in California's future.

Richard is committed and dedicated to creating a foundation for Sacramento's Next Generation, and ultimately building tomorrows California today.


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  03/02/2004 CA - District 03 - R Primary Lost 1.85% (-37.06%)
  11/05/2002 CA District 5 Lost 26.41% (-44.06%)