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  Fetterman, John K.
<-  2023-01-30  
NameJohn K. Fetterman
Address1215 Braddock Avenue
Braddock, Pennsylvania 15104, United States
 X (Twitter)JohnFetterman
Born August 15, 1969 (55 years)
ContributorMr. Matt
Last ModifedLuzerne County Historian
Aug 15, 2024 11:22pm
Tags Married - Straight -
InfoMayor of Braddock, PA (2006-2019)
Lieutenant Governor (2019-2023)
Senator (2023-present)

Known for trying to revitalize the borough that once housed a large steel mill but has since declined. He has a master's degree in public policy from Harvard University.

Has lived in Braddock since 2001 through AmeriCorps. He has made numerous national appearances in newspapers and television including The New York Times and The Colbert Report. His left arm bears a tattoo reading "15104" (the ZIP code of Braddock) and his right bears the dates of murders in Braddock.


DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
01/04/2024-01/08/2024 Quinnipiac University 45.00% ( 4.0) 42.00% ( 6.0) 13.00% ( 2.0)
09/28/2023-10/02/2023 Quinnipiac University 41.00% ( 2.0) 48.00% ( 2.0) 11.00% ( 1.0)
06/22/2023-06/26/2023 Quinnipiac University 39.00% ( 0.0) 50.00% ( 0.0) 10.00% ( 0.0)
DateFirmFavorableUnfavorableDon't Know
11/01/2022-11/02/2022 Remington Research 41.00% ( 0.0) 51.00% ( 0.0) 8.00% ( 0.0)
10/31/2022-11/02/2022 Marist Institute 49.00% ( 4.0) 47.00% ( 6.0) 4.00% ( 9.0)
10/24/2022-10/28/2022 Muhlenberg College 45.00% ( 1.0) 46.00% ( 5.0) 10.00% ( 6.0)
10/14/2022-10/23/2022 Franklin & Marshall College 43.00% ( 0.0) 51.00% ( 0.0) 6.00% ( 0.0)
10/04/2022-10/12/2022 Fabrizio Ward/Impact Research 46.00% ( 0.0) 45.00% ( 0.0) 9.00% ( 0.0)
09/29/2022-10/03/2022 Monmouth University 48.00% ( 0.0) 44.00% ( 0.0) 8.00% ( 0.0)
09/19/2022-09/22/2022 Marist Institute 45.00% ( 0.0) 41.00% ( 0.0) 13.00% ( 0.0)
09/13/2022-09/16/2022 Muhlenberg College 44.00% ( 0.0) 41.00% ( 0.0) 16.00% ( 0.0)
12/14/2021-12/16/2021 GQR Research 57.00% ( 0.0) 7.00% ( 0.0) 36.00% ( 0.0)
10/08/2015-10/11/2015 Public Policy Polling 7.00% ( 0.0) 15.00% ( 0.0) 79.00% ( 0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Dec 05, 2024 06:00pm News [Democratic Pennsylvania Senator John] Fetterman says Trump should be pardoned of New York conviction  Article KeystonePopulist 
Jun 10, 2024 02:50pm Event John Fetterman and wife Gisele are hospitalized after Democratic senator rear-ended car on the highway  Article RP 
Mar 29, 2024 05:15pm News All three of John Fetterman’s top communications staffers have resigned in the last month  Article data 
Dec 15, 2023 06:00am Profile 'I'm not a progressive': Fetterman breaks with the left, showing a maverick side  Article RP 
Sep 18, 2023 12:00pm News Republicans criticize new Senate dress code: ‘Stop lowering the bar’  Article WA Indy 
Jun 04, 2022 02:00pm News Fetterman had a previously undisclosed heart condition  Article WA Indy 

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D:8509DylanSH99 ( 1668.7509 points)
Sat, April 13, 2024 02:52:27 AM UTC0:00
E Pluribus Unum: Man it sucks that Fetterman literally just became a huge Anti-Arab Politician. Like FR, this is almost beat for beat the Republican position since at least the 2000s

Question for you. Do you condemn Hamas?

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Sat, April 13, 2024 03:31:42 AM UTC0:00
DylanSH99: Question for you. Do you condemn Hamas?

Babe wake up it's another person saying to condemn Hamas because you think Palestinians are people.....

I have a couple of questions for you:

Do you condemn John Fetterman for openly saying that he values Israeli Lives over Palestinians?

Do you condemn the many politicians in the US who have openly stated that they want to end Gaza?

Do you condemn Israel dropping White Phosphorous bombs on civilians?

Do you condemn Israel forcing millions of people to vacate Northern Gaza then dropping bombs on the one area that they can escape?

Do you condemn Israel killing journalists reporting on their misdeeds?

Do you condemn Israel bombing places of worship?

Do you condemn Israel bombing Hospitals?

Do you condemn Israel for continuing to encroach on land that isn't theirs and kicking out the locals?

Do you condemn Israel for giving money and validation to Hamas, thus leading them to the position they are today?

Do you condemn Israel forcing Palestinians into an Apartheid State where they are treated as third class citizens in their own nation?

Do you condemn Israel for blockading the Gaza Strip, thus forbidding goods and people from going in or out?

Do you condemn Israel for cutting electricity in the Gaza Strip, thus leading to many to die in without access to medical care?

Do you condemn Israel for attacking the West Bank, despite the fact that they are supposed to be fighting terrorists in Gaza?

Do you condemn the Israeli Genocide of the Palestinian people?

D:8509DylanSH99 ( 1668.7509 points)
Mon, April 15, 2024 04:25:54 PM UTC0:00
So, is that a no?

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Mon, April 15, 2024 05:56:10 PM UTC0:00
So...u can't piece together that a Bisexual Socialist Atheist is opposed to a group that kills Bisexuals, Socialists,and Atheists? You need that SPELLED OUT FOR YOU, instead of just making the natural assumption...

Or perhaps u just said that to virtue signal to claim a moral high ground and dismiss actual discussion. The war hawks favorite tool:
-U oppose US invading Iraq, what are u pro-Sadam?
-U oppose US droning Civilians, what are u pro-terrorist?
-U oppose Isreal Committing a Genocide in Palestine, what are u Pro-Hamas?

I notice u haven't engaged with my points at all so I'm just gonna have to make the assumption u hate Palestinains/Arabs/Muslims and are ok with them being killed.

D:8509DylanSH99 ( 1668.7509 points)
Tue, April 16, 2024 04:08:10 PM UTC0:00
Yikes. Sorry you can't have a productive dialogue and just makes assumptions. Good luck with that kind of mindset. With your mindset, I'm just gonna assume you're okay with Hamas murdering Jews in the worst mass killing of Jews since the Holocaust.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Tue, April 16, 2024 04:33:48 PM UTC0:00
I mean, I literallh asked u a ton of questions to clarify ur stance on the issue, in order to have an actual productive dialogue, AND YOU ARE THE INE just chose to put Troll Emoji and ignore because u have bo interest in doing so, so ur either being intentionally stupid OR feigning it, latter is the more obvious thing lol.

In a very Ironic twist, YOU are actually more Pro-Hamas than I would ever be because ur choosing to align urself with Israel's Fascist Government; who literally gave funding to Hamas and chose to ignore any and all warnings of October 7th so they could have a cause to invade Gaza. All the while they continue to give Hamas more members by dropping white phosphorous bombs on Palestinian Kids, which radicalizes Palestinians to join Hamas and take vengeance on the "ZIONISTS".

Imagine doing what ur doing RN, then being surprised Young People are being turned off by Biden and the Dems

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
x2 x2
Tue, April 16, 2024 06:20:35 PM UTC0:00
Neither of you are attempting to have a productive conversation and both of you are ignoring the points the other is making. Such is the politics of today.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Tue, April 16, 2024 07:25:27 PM UTC0:00

He asked: "Do you support Hamas", I pointed out the very obvious reasons why I don't, while asking him questions about his stance, meanwhile he he has not responded to anything I have said at all, so I am left with no other assumption than he does support it.

Dylan's Ignorance on Israeli policy for the past half century is not my problem

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Tue, April 16, 2024 07:56:41 PM UTC0:00
E Pluribus Unum: He asked: "Do you support Hamas", I pointed out the very obvious reasons why I don't,

He said "Do you condemn Hamas?" (not support), which you haven't yet answered. And you didn't say you didn't support Hamas until this last post.

Personally, I condemn Hamas for its actions AND I condemn Israel for its actions. Both sides just want to keep escalating this thing and not solve it except by eliminating the other. I find both disgusting.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Tue, April 16, 2024 09:44:34 PM UTC0:00
RP: He said "Do you condemn Hamas?" (not support), which you haven't yet answered.

E Pluribus Unum: So...u can't piece together that a Bisexual Socialist Atheist is opposed to a group that kills Bisexuals, Socialists,and Atheists? You need that SPELLED OUT FOR YOU, instead of just making the natural assumption...

Again why isn't that a natural assumption that a guy who has stated absolutely nothing indicative of a Pro-Hamas Stance isn't Pro-Hamas. Furthermore why is it always brought up when you say things like "We shouldn't be dropping white phosphorous bombs on Palestinian Babies" or "Palestinian Lives Matter" or "Genocide Bad"?

Why is it whenever I say something remotely supportive of a Middle Eastern Populace Dylans brain immediately thinks "Terrorism". Hmmmmmmmm 🤔

D:8509DylanSH99 ( 1668.7509 points)
Wed, April 17, 2024 05:59:24 PM UTC0:00
RP: Neither of you are attempting to have a productive conversation and both of you are ignoring the points the other is making. Such is the politics of today.
I respectfully disagree. I asked a simple question and you can see what the response was. Can't have a productive argument with someone who isn't willing to listen and someone who wants to just assume without listening. Yes, I condemn Israel for what they're doing to Gaza. It's disgusting and inhumane. On the other hand, if you can't condemn Hamas and what they did on October 7th, then that's a problem. (Not talking about you RP, just in general)

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Wed, April 17, 2024 06:48:53 PM UTC0:00
DylanSH99: I respectfully disagree. I asked a simple question and you can see what the response was.

Me asking you questions about the Israel/Palestine issue? ohh noo how dare I? When you ask stupid questions, that's ok. When I ask relevant questions, HOW DARE I?

DylanSH99: Can't have a productive argument with someone who isn't willing to listen and someone who wants to just assume without listening.

I ASKED YOU FOR YOUR STANCES, You ignored them and said "sO tHaTs A nO?" I mean, what else am I supposed to assume. You had over an hour to read those questions, do actual research on the subject, and come back with info you clearly didn't have prior. Which would also show the heavy contradiction in your stance on the Israel/Palestine issue, because if you were truly against any of the things I stated; you would not be Pro-Israel. ISRAELI POLICY since it's foundation has lead things to reach what they are today, foreign policy doesn't exist in a vacuum, Liberal and Conservatives seem to think it does, they seem to think that the past means nothing and things just magically became this way. WHY was Hamas founded? WHAT lead them to do the actions they take now? HOW did they get to the point that they are as powerful as they are today? If you actually want to solve the problem, you need to look at these questions and solve the root problem. Take Crime. WHY do people commit crimes? WHAT is the root cause of people feeling the need to turn to criminality? And HOW can we takle these issues via policy?

DylanSH99: Yes, I condemn Israel for what they're doing to Gaza. It's disgusting and inhumane. On the other hand, if you can't condemn Hamas and what they did on October 7th, then that's a problem. (Not talking about you RP, just in general)

Again, weird that when I criticize a politician for literally saying he thinks Israeli Lives matter more than Palestinians, your response to that is "dO yOu CoNdEmN hAmAs".

Very odd when I say anything remotely Pro-Palestinian, your brain clicks to "TERRORISM".

I'm just saying; the outlook ur pushing for has been policy since 1948, and so far its FAILING. Maybe we should try something different....

D:1RP ( 5508.0200 points)
Wed, April 17, 2024 08:16:17 PM UTC0:00
DylanSH99: I asked a simple question and you can see what the response was.

You asked a gotcha question which E Pluribus Unum failed to answer and responded with a bunch of gotcha questions which you failed to answer. Not responding to someone's questions does not make a productive discussion. Even if it's a bit of a Gish Gallop.

E Pluribus Unum: WHY was Hamas founded? WHAT lead them to do the actions they take now? HOW did they get to the point that they are as powerful as they are today? If you actually want to solve the problem, you need to look at these questions and solve the root problem.

You certainly do need to know and address the reasons behind the actions to try and solve anything. And the Palestinians certainly do have historical reasons for their actions. As do the Israelis. But those valid reasons do not justify atrocities on either side.

E Pluribus Unum: Very odd when I say anything remotely Pro-Palestinian, your brain clicks to "TERRORISM".

DylanSH99 didn't use the word "Terrorism", so that's an inference on your part.

The current conflict in Gaza is indeed rooted in the Hamas attack. And Fetterman is supporting the Israeli side in it, so I can see why he woukd connect the two. I think it's a bit of a stretch to assign Fetterman's position on the matter to making him "Anti-Arab", unless there is info I haven't seen on that?

Of course, getting into the artifical bounds between "Terrorism" and "Freedom Fighter" is a whole different discussion.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Wed, April 17, 2024 09:18:34 PM UTC0:00
RP: You asked a gotcha question which E Pluribus Unum failed to answer and responded with a bunch of gotcha questions which you failed to answer. Not responding to someone's questions does not make a productive discussion. Even if it's a bit of a Gish Gallop.

My questions weren't Gotcha's. I mean it in the most GENUINE sense. After seeing what the Pro-Israel Side has been saying recently I genuinely want to know if Dylan actually cares about Palestinian Lives, I've seen way too many Pro Israel people literally just say that Palestinians doesn't matter, as opposed to the subtlety that was used prior, such as the case when Fetterman just flat out says that Israeli Lives matter more than Palestinians

RP: You certainly do need to know and address the reasons behind the actions to try and solve anything. And the Palestinians certainly do have historical reasons for their actions. As do the Israelis. But those valid reasons do not justify atrocities on either side.

Ok....where did I say it did? You all seem very intent on debating random points that might be out there in the ether, and not MY points. Try having a conversation with the person actually here

RP: DylanSH99 didn't use the word "Terrorism", so that's an inference on your part.

So when he randomly brings up "do you condemn Hamas" after i critique a guy for saying Israeli Lives matter more than Palestinian Lives, I am supposed to assume he meant, something else?

RP: The current conflict in Gaza is indeed rooted in the Hamas attack.

WHY did they form? WHY dd they feel the need to attack? Maybe if we learn the why, we can stop doing the why and then move forward.

RP: And Fetterman is supporting the Israeli side in it, so I can see why he woukd connect the two. I think it's a bit of a stretch to assign Fetterman's position on the matter to making him "Anti-Arab", unless there is info I haven't seen on that?

I mean, aside from the video where he is asked point blank does he value Israeli Lives more than Palestinians and moves past it, and does nothing to express sympathy towards Palestinians and exclusively talks about Isreal and protecting them and supporting their government with no conditions regardless of what they do (Which is bombing Palestinians relentlessly and trying to annex Gaza). So....I would argue very anti-Palestinian

RP: Of course, getting into the artifical bounds between "Terrorism" and "Freedom Fighter" is a whole different discussion.

Again a point nobody is making but go off I guess. Man u are right, Modern politics is crazy when even you are doing the same thing that u say me and Dylan are doing....

PSU:9399Juan Croniqueur ( -34.0791 points)
Wed, April 17, 2024 11:36:52 PM UTC0:00
It's almost as though peace in the region doesn't hinge on OurCampaigns discussion sections…

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Thu, April 18, 2024 12:35:44 AM UTC0:00
If it did, Palestinians would be ****ED harder than they are currently

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Sun, May 5, 2024 11:18:36 PM UTC0:00
Fetterman: It is Antisemitic to call out Isreal

ALSO Fetterman: This Anti-Israel Protest movement is bankrolled by a Jewish Billionaire.

Fetterman Fascist Arc COMPLETE

R:7206Hikikomori Blitzkrieg! ( 472.6008 points)
Wed, May 8, 2024 08:16:12 PM UTC0:00
Fetterman: the ally fascism never asked for....

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Mon, November 4, 2024 07:44:59 PM UTC0:00
I love that Fetterman pretended to support for Jews, yet Joe Rogan literally parrots the Great Replacement Theory to his face and he can't say anything about it

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Wed, November 20, 2024 02:39:43 AM UTC0:00
Bro, he ran on Medicare for all and now is literally open to the idea of CUTTING MEDICARE


Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.4790 points)
Thu, January 9, 2025 07:49:40 PM UTC0:00
US Senator Fetterman taking a Florida trip soon🤔. Queue the party switch gossip.

D:6454Mr. Matt ( 1766.5430 points)
Thu, January 9, 2025 09:03:30 PM UTC0:00
Look what happened to the last guy in this seat who tried that:

Joker:9757BrentinCO ( 7748.4790 points)
Thu, January 9, 2025 09:22:22 PM UTC0:00
Anybody know if he really likes being in Washington and really likes being a Senator?

Maybe switching to Indy would be the first step of him returning to PA.

RSF:11714KeystonePopulist ( -7.6004 points)
Tue, January 21, 2025 12:55:14 AM UTC0:00

RSF:11714KeystonePopulist ( -7.6004 points)
Wed, January 22, 2025 10:00:12 AM UTC0:00

Fetterman is the only Democratic senator to vote to advance Pete Hegseth and John Ratcliffe

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Importance? 7.50000 Average


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  11/08/2022 PA US Senate Won 51.25% (+4.91%)
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  11/06/2018 PA Senate President Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/06/2018 PA Lieutenant Governor Won 57.77% (+17.07%)
  05/15/2018 PA Lieutenant Governor - D Primary Won 37.48% (+13.70%)
  11/07/2017 Mayor of Braddock Won 97.98% (+95.97%)
  05/16/2017 Mayor of Braddock - D Primary Won 70.82% (+42.06%)
  04/26/2016 PA US Senate - D Primary Lost 19.49% (-23.01%)
  11/05/2013 Mayor of Braddock Won 86.51% (+73.02%)
  05/21/2013 Mayor of Braddock - D Primary Won 75.30% (+51.01%)
  11/03/2009 Mayor of Braddock Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  05/19/2009 Mayor of Braddock - D Primary Won 65.38% (+30.97%)
  11/08/2005 Mayor of Braddock Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  05/17/2005 Mayor of Braddock - D Primary Won 35.06% (+0.24%)
  06/04/2028 US President - D Primaries ???
  06/04/2024 US President - D Primaries Lost 0.00% (-86.84%)
  05/17/2022 PA Governor - D Primary Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  05/15/2018 PA Governor - D Primary Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
US Trade Representative - Feb 26, 2025 R Jamieson Greer
US Secretary of Housing & Urban Development - Feb 05, 2025 R E. Scott Turner
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US Ambassador to the United Nations - Jan 30, 2025 R Elise Stefanik
EPA Administrator - Jan 29, 2025 R Lee M. Zeldin
US Secretary of State - Jan 20, 2025 R Marco A. Rubio
DE At-Large - D Primary - Sep 10, 2024 D Sarah McBride
NJ US Senate - D Primary - Jun 04, 2024 D 🚫Robert "Bob" Menendez
NJ US Senate - D Primary - Jun 04, 2024 D Andrew "Andy" Kim
PA Treasurer - D Primary - Apr 23, 2024 D Erin McClelland
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Mayor of Scranton - D Primary - May 18, 2021 D Paige Cognetti
PA State Senate 17 - D Primary - Jun 02, 2020 D Amanda Cappelletti
PA District 12 - Special Election - May 21, 2019 D Marc Friedenberg
PA US President - D Primary - Apr 26, 2016 I Bernie Sanders
PA Lieutenant Governor - D Primary - May 20, 2014 D Brad I. Koplinski
C00765800 FETTERMAN FOR PA $ 1079516.25