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  Gill, Ricky
NameRicky Gill
Lodi, California , United States
Website [Link]
 X (Twitter)RickyGillCA
Born 00, 1987 (38 years)
Last ModifedDavid
Feb 09, 2023 09:52pm
InfoRanjit Singh "Ricky" Gill

Ricky Gill is a native of San Joaquin County, born and raised in Lodi, California. The son of immigrant parents who are both accomplished physicians and farmers, Ricky and his family bear witness to the power of the American dream. From a young age, he developed a strong sense of public service and the desire to be an asset to his community. As a high school student, he started volunteer work at St. Mary's Interfaith Community Services for the Homeless in Stockton, assisting in the provision of medical care for the indigent. He sustained this public involvement through a series of official appointments. As co-chairman of the Greater Lodi Area Youth Commission, Ricky helped promote career and educational opportunities for local youth. During this time, Ricky's public profile increased as a regular contributor on Sports 1140, the flagship radio station of the Sacramento Kings. In July 2004, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger named Ricky to the California State Board of Education, making him the youngest member of the administration and the sole representative of more than six million public school students. In this capacity, Ricky developed a keen appreciation for standards-based reform in public education and collaborated with colleague Donald Fisher (GAP Inc. co-founder) in defending the California High School Exit Exam. The following August, he delivered remarks regarding educational equity at the California Republican Party convention in San Diego. His work in public education continued in 2005 as an adviser to the California Secretary for Education, where he facilitated Governor Schwarzenegger's Initiative-to-Turn Around Failing Schools. Additionally, Ricky has served as a policy consultant for Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, NJ, where his research examined ways to boost higher education degree attainment.

All the while, Ricky remained diligent about his own academic achievement. After being named Tokay High School class valedictorian and earning the Frank H. and Eva B. Buck Scholarship for postgraduate study, Ricky headed east to attend Princeton University. As a college freshman, he championed the property rights of local farmers in a Lodi News-Sentinel op-ed article. Bringing his knowledge of educational issues to Capitol Hill, he spent the summer of 2006 working for former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. The next summer, Ricky accepted an internship in the front office with the Sacramento Kings, helping assess talent in preparation for the annual NBA draft.

Ricky's major milestone at Princeton University occurred in the spring of 2009 with the submission of his senior thesis. His adviser was Professor Jim Leach, who had served 30 years as a Republican Congressman from Iowa and was for two terms Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services. Ricky later graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. In 2009, he eagerly returned home and resumed his education and community outreach at Boalt Hall, the law school at the University of California, Berkeley. In addition to his graduate studies, Ricky worked as a legal counselor for the Oakland Athletics in the summer of 2010, where he helped close numerous litigation loopholes for the club. Keeping education foremost on his mind, Ricky began serving as a math and literacy mentor at KIPP Bay Area charter schools, bringing him to the front lines of the achievement gap in public education.

In March 2011, Ricky convened an exploratory committee to evaluate the possibility of running for Congress. In May 2011, he announced his candidacy as a Republican running in what is currently California's 11th Congressional District.



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  11/06/2012 CA - District 09 Lost 44.45% (-11.11%)
  06/05/2012 CA - District 09 - Open Primary Won 40.24% (+0.00%)
  06/07/2022 CA District 10 - Open Primary Lost 0.00% (-83.96%)
CA District 05 - Open Primary - Jun 07, 2022 R Tom McClintock
C00493403 Ricky Gill for Congress $ 30297.07