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  Brown, Chris A.
<-  2017-01-01  
NameChris A. Brown
Address15 S. Somerset Avenue
Ventnor, New Jersey 08406, United States
Website [Link]
Born August 03, 1964 (60 years)
Last ModifedWSNJ
Jul 02, 2021 03:58pm
Tags Army -
InfoChris Brown has always stood up when called to service for his country and state. He is known by many titles: United States Army Major, New Jersey Assemblyman, and current New Jersey State Senator. However, the titles he holds dearest are husband and father.

Chris served honorably during the first Persian Gulf War. During Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm, he was attached to the 82nd Airborne Division, where he was awarded the Bronze Star and Combat Infantryman Badge for his service while spearheading the ground offensive into Iraq. In 2008, Chris was activated for war a second time by the United States Army to serve his country in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In addition to his service to our country, Chris has also been involved in service to his local community. He is the founder and President of the Chief Arthur R. Brown, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Foundation, which has awarded over $300,000 in scholarships to local students since 1992. He is a life member of the Atlantic City Chapter of the NAACP where he served as Chairman of the Legal Redress Committee. Additionally, he is a member of American Legion, AMVETS, Jewish War Veterans of America, Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Chris has been recognized many times for his community service. He is the recipient of the Kiwanis Club Key Award, the NAACP Dedication to Community Award, the Boys and Girls Club Community Appreciation Award, the Art Dorrington Hockey Foundation Award for Volunteerism, the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity award as Volunteer of the Year, AMVETS’s Assemblyman of the Year, Distinguished Arts Advocate Award from the ArtPride New Jersey Foundation, the Thom Schiavo Humanitarian Award from Beth El Synagogue, Margate, and the Clare Sabatini Community Award from the New Jersey Shore Arts Association.

Chris served three terms in the General Assembly representing the Second Legislative District. He served on the Assembly Tourism, Gaming and the Arts Committee and the Assembly Regulatory Oversight and Reform and Federal Relations Committee.

During his time in General Assembly, Chris established himself as a staunch advocate for the families, retirees, and small businesses of Atlantic County, particularly in leading the fight against North Jersey casinos. Chris has sponsored laws to enhance New Jersey’s tourism industry, assist veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce, and insure women receive access to preventative health care.

Chris enters into his first term in the New Jersey State Senate as the Deputy Conference.

Chris resides in Ventnor and is married to Christine, and has three children, Matthew, Daniel and Mallory.


DateFirmFavorableUnfavorableDon't Know
10/07/2015-10/14/2015 Stockton University 45.00% ( 0.0) 26.00% ( 0.0) 29.00% ( 0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jul 19, 2021 04:00pm News Brown to resign from [NJ] Senate to join Murphy administration  Article WSNJ 
Feb 18, 2021 10:00am News Chris Brown will not seek re-election to [NJ] State Senate seat  Article WSNJ 

Importance? 0.00000 Average


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