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  Raja, D.
NameD. Raja
Address640 Osage Rd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , United States
Born Unknown
Last ModifedRBH
Feb 28, 2019 08:14pm
Tags Indian -
InfoBusiness Leader

Raja co-founded CEI, an Allegheny County technology company that now employs hundreds of people, out of the spare bedroom of his South Hills apartment. CEI is a leading national firm providing cutting edge IT solutions to businesses through the United States.

Dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship, Raja initiated the Business Mentoring Roundtable, which mentors start up companies with the objective of them staying and growing in the region. Raja also was the founding Chair of University of Pittsburgh’s Computer Science Industry Board with the objective of better preparing Pitt students for jobs in the world of technology.

Raja was recognized as Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year in 2008 and as the Entrepreneur of the Year by the Carnegie Science Center in 2009. Raja received the Smart Business Pacesetters Award for CEO Excellence in 2007. Raja also received the Diamond Award for the Regions Leading CEOs and Presidents for large business in 2008 from Pittsburgh Business Times.

A 1989 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Raja received a MBA with honors from Carnegie Mellon University in 2001.

Community Servant

Raja is a Commissioner in Mt. Lebanon and served as President of the Commission in 2010. Since 2008, Raja has worked to bring good government and conservative principles to local government. During this term, Raja has cut local taxes while maintaining excellent services.

Dedicated to his community, Raja worked with a group of local citizens to save the Denis Theater in downtown Mt. Lebanon and to setup the Denis Theater Foundation to keep the historic landmark standing.

Raja lives in Mt. Lebanon with his wife (Dr.) Neeta and daughters Isana and Omisa.

DateFirmFavorableUnfavorableDon't Know
10/22/2012-10/24/2012 Thirty-Ninth Street Strategies 38.00% ( 0.0) 45.00% ( 0.0) 17.00% ( 0.0)

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