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  Redfern, Gabrielle
NameGabrielle Redfern
Miami Beach, Florida , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedRBH
May 15, 2011 01:53pm

It is an honor to have qualified to become the first woman mayor in the history of Miami-Dade County. For the last twenty years, I have been involved in my community as much as any private citizen can be. From my leadership roles in my children’s PTAs to being Sisterhood President, my service to my neighborhood associations and education through our local Leadership Academy and CERT training have shown me a great deal about the way this County operates. Through my appointments to Municipal Land Use and Regional Transportation Boards I have endeavored to understand the challenges our leaders say they face that impede our progress so I may suggest new ways to succeed.

I look around the neighborhoods and streets in my hometown of Miami Beach and I see good things I had a hand in. I see my ideas coming to fruition and improving the quality of life for all who live or visit there. And I am not an elected official. It would be easier if I were. I can make a difference in this County. A difference we desperately need.

Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida 1987
Selected Professional Experiences

Vice President of CondoSolutions | 2003-Present

A Boutique Condominium Management firm, focusing on education and community development, one building at a time. Comprehensive management of shared interest real estate included establishing the highest levels of customer services for residents and guests; developing detailed and accurate budgets and financial reporting and accountability for Board of Directors; overseeing multi-million construction, renovation and restoration projects in accordance with state funding statutes and local building codes from scope identification through bidding and project management; development of emergency procedures.

Columnist for Biscayne Boulevard Times | 2005-2007

Monthly CONDO COUNSEL column for this local paper, distributed throughout the County.

Director of Campus Support Services 
 for Miami-Dade Community College, North Campus, Campus Services Department | 2002-2003

Provided leadership to department of 150+ full and part-time employees and student assistants; Developed in-house custodial training program; Managed Campus-wide Service Contracts for equipment and services; Budget responsibility of over two million dollars in FY 2002-2003; Facilities Management of three sites with over 275 acres of property including 875 thousand square feet under air-conditioning; Direct Procurement duties for all custodial, event and emergency supplies; Oversight and coordination of all Campus special events.

Contract Administrator for Miami-Dade Community College, District Facilities, Plant Maintenance Department | 2001-2002

Responsible for District-wide contracted maintenance and facilities management including vertical transportation, motor pool and emergency power generation; Drafted Departmental Policies and Procedures Manual; Developed and conducted team building and problem solving sessions.

Executive Vice President of Builders Association of South Florida | 2000-2001

Supervised professional staff of 10; Developed all programming, budgets and communications; Designed and procured information and mailing systems.

Executive Director of Worldwide Employee Benefits Network: The WEB Network | 1995-2000

Provided leadership for National and 25 local Chapter Boards of Directors; Developed all programming, budgets and communications (Including marketing); Designed and executed officer training programs, special events, fundraising.
Selected Community Services

* Member Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) | 2010-2011
* Member, Design Review Board, City of Miami Beach | 2006-Present
* Steering Committee Member, Alliance for Reliable Transport | 2006-Present
* Vice-Chair, Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) | 2005-2010
* Member: Mayors Blue Ribbon Task Force on Bikeways in Miami Beach | 2004-Present
* Member, Board of Directors and Editor (2003) of Newsletter for Orchard Park Neighborhood Association, Miami Beach, Florida | 2003-Present
* Project Advisory Group, FDOT District Six Alton Road PD&E Study Financial Project ID 2499112201 | 2003-Present:
* Co-Founder MBCoNA, Miami Beach Council of Neighborhood Associations, A Neighborhood Empowerment League | 2007
* Co-founder of BASIC, Bicycle Advocates for a Safe, Integrated City, A Grassroots Advocacy Group for Non-Motorized Transportation | 2007
* Board Member: Urban Environment League, Vice President of Operations | 2006-2008
* Program Committee Chair, Miami Beach Democratic Club | 2006-2007
* President, Orchard Park Neighborhood Association, Miami Beach, Florida | 2005-2006
* First Chair, Miami Beach Neighborhood Leadership Academy Alumnae Association Board of Directors | 2004
* Member, Board of Directors and Editor of Newsletter for North Beach Elementary School | 2001-2003
* Graduate of City of Miami Beach Neighborhood Leadership Academy | 2003
* Completed Miami Beach CERT Training | 2003
* Member, Board of Trustees and President of Women of Reform Judaism (Sisterhood), Temple Beth Sholom | 1998-2000
* President, Washington D.C. Alumnae Chapter of Pi Beta Phi; Alumnae Advisory Committee Member, University of Maryland Chapter | 1993-1995
* Inducted into the University of Florida College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame | 1988
* University of Florida College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Council Member of the Year | 1988



Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  05/24/2011 Miami-Dade County Mayor - Special Election Lost 1.27% (-32.39%)
  11/03/2009 Miami Beach City Commissioner - Group III Won 29.26% (+0.00%)
  11/03/2009 Miami Beach City Commissioner - Group III - Runoff Lost 40.22% (-19.56%)
  11/15/2005 Miami Beach City Commissioner - Group I Lost 4.64% (-31.95%)