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  McLane, Robert M.
NameRobert M. McLane
Baltimore, Maryland , United States
Born November 20, 1867
DiedMay 30, 1904 (36 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Apr 08, 2017 10:16pm
InfoRobert M. McLane was born in Baltimore, November 20th, 1867, and was, therefore, one of the youngest men who held the office of Mayor. He came of a prominent Maryland family, his uncle, Robert M. McLane, was Governor of Maryland, and was Minister to France, to which post he was appointed by President Cleveland. The future Mayor entered the Johns Hopkins University at sixteen and was graduated at nineteen. He took up the study of law at the University of Maryland, and was admitted to the bar in 1891. He became Assistant State's Attorney, and then Deputy, to which office he was promoted in 1897, and was himself elected State's Attorney in 1899. Mr. McLane in 1903 was nominated as the Democratic candidate after a stirring primary campaign between himself, Mayor Thomas G. Hayes, Ferdinand C. Latrobe and Francis E. Yewell. The real battle, however, was between Hayes and McLane, the support of the other aspirants being nominal. Mr. McLane was backed by the regular Democratic organization, Mr. Hayes' forces being under his own management and directed by his political leaders. At the general election which followed Mr. McLane defeated Frank C. Wachter, Republican, by a small majority. Mr. Wachter made a contest, carrying his case to Court, but was unsuccessful.

Mr. McLane's brief administration was much unsettled. His election took place May 5th, 1903; he made his appointments the following fall, but before his plans were well under way, the great fire of February, 1904, occurred, wiping out the business section of the city. Under great strain he took up the burden of rehabilitating the city, as stated heretofore. The demands upon the Mayor taxed his energies to the utmost, and his untimely death May 30th, 1904, was a great shock to the entire community, for he was a man of fine traits, high ideals, and a most lovable character. Mayor McLane and Mrs. Mary Van Bibber were married May 14th, 1904.


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  05/05/1903 Baltimore, MD Mayor Won 50.30% (+0.61%)