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  Alexander, De Alva S.
NameDe Alva S. Alexander
Buffalo, New York , United States
Born July 17, 1846
DiedJanuary 30, 1925 (78 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Aug 23, 2015 01:27am
InfoALEXANDER, De Alva Stanwood, a Representative from New York; born in Richmond, Sagadahoc County, Maine, July 17, 1846; attended the common schools; moved with his mother to Ohio in 1859; at the age of fifteen enlisted in the Union Army as a private in the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served from 1862 until the close of the Civil War, when he entered the Edward Little Institute, Auburn, Maine, to prepare for college; was graduated from Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, in 1870 and served many years as a member and president of its board of overseers; moved to Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1870; one of the editors and proprietors of the Daily Gazette 1871-1874; delegate to the Republican National Convention at Philadelphia in 1872; moved to Indianapolis, Ind., in 1874 and became a staff correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette; secretary of the Indiana Republican State committee 1874-1878; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1877 and commenced practice in Indianapolis, Ind.; appointed Fifth Auditor of the Treasury Department in 1881 and served until 1885; commander of the Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic, for one term; moved to Buffalo, N.Y., in 1885; appointed United States attorney for the northern district of New York in May 1889 and served until his resignation in December 1893; elected as a Republican to the Fifty-fifth and to the six succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1897-March 3, 1911); chairman, Committee on Rivers and Harbors (Sixty-first Congress); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1910 to the Sixty-second Congress; resumed the practice of law; died in Buffalo, N.Y., January 30, 1925; interment in Forest Lawn Cemetery.



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  11/08/1910 NY District 36 Lost 48.84% (-0.00%)
  11/03/1908 NY District 36 Won 58.24% (+18.70%)
  11/06/1906 NY District 36 Won 58.01% (+19.56%)
  11/08/1904 NY District 36 Won 59.81% (+22.22%)
  11/04/1902 NY District 36 Won 55.90% (+14.31%)
  11/06/1900 NY District 33 Won 59.50% (+19.60%)
  11/08/1898 NY District 33 Won 55.77% (+13.85%)
  11/03/1896 NY District 33 Won 63.00% (+29.56%)