Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Alice C. Winn |
Address | Shelburne, Vermont , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
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Contributor | Joshua L. |
Last Modifed | Joshua L. Nov 27, 2003 11:43am |
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Info | Alice Winn, a 25 year resident of Shelburne, was born in Houston, Texas and until her move to Vermont, never lived longer than five years in one place (her father was an Episcopal priest). She graduated from a Virginia college and married Dr. Washington Winn in 1967. They have two sons, Wash, 32, and Mac, 28, both of whom were educated in Shelburne schools and graduated from CVU.
In the late 1970s and early 80s, Winn was active in the League of Women Voters. She was one of a group of concerned citizens who produced the Shelburne Newsletter, a mimeographed "publication" that was distributed to all residents to ensure that the community was aware of timely issues. That newsletter was the forerunner of today's Shelburne News, where she served as Editor for a number of years. She is currently one of the owners of this publication, serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of ETF Publishing, Inc., the paper's parent company, and is currently the paper's copy editor.
Winn served on Shelburne's Zoning Board for 12 years, three as chair. Moving on, she was elected to the Selectboard where she served for eight years, six as its chair. She represented Shelburne on the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission for a number of years, serving as vice chair for two years. She is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) and currently serves on the Board of Cathedral Square Corporation.
Winn is an active member of the Cathedral of St. Paul in Burlington where she serves as junior and senior warden, and is a member of the Charlotte-Shelburne Rotary Club.
Her reason for running for the Vermont House - "This is a serious undertaking for me and I plan to pursue it in a serious and thoughtful manner. I believe my experience in local government will help me to be an effective representative in the legislature."
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