Affiliation | Democratic-Farmer-Labor |
2007-01-01 |
Name | Rebecca L. W. Otto |
Address | 12697 N. 177th St. Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota 55047, United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
Born |
July 09, 1963
(61 years)
Contributor | Eric |
Last Modifed | Juan Croniqueur Sep 09, 2023 08:35am |
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Info | Meet Rebecca Otto
• Experienced DFL State Representative, 2003-2004.
• Named New Legislator of the Year.
• Experienced with government budgets ranging from $52 million to $30.8 billion.
• Discovered glaring financial errors in official State Auditor reports and millions of dollars in errors in official MN Dept of Education reports.
• Developed a plan for permanent property tax relief.
• Served on Minnesota House Local Government & Agricultural Policy and Finance committees.
• Chaired and won a hard-fought and bi-partisan school levy referendum in conservative ISD 831.
• United Walter Mondale and Arne Carlson behind her vision of “One Minnesota”.
• Brought former Finance Commissioners Republican John Gunyou and Democrat Jay Kiedrowski together for the first time and moderated the first Kiedrowski & Gunyou forum to analyze and present the truth to the public on Minnesota’s state budget and its uncured, ongoing deficit problem - a forum that toured Minnesota and helped expose the political shell game of "no new taxes," "shifts," and "gimmicks," and their negative effect on local governments and school districts.
• United legislators of 3 major parties behind her call for a truly balanced budget, leading to senate hearings.
• Drew attention to and fought the fiscally irresponsible practice of including inflation in revenue forecasts but not in expense projections.
• Exposed the $100 million revenue drain FOCs are costing the State of Minnesota with well-known economist C Ford Runge and former Revenue Commissioner John James.
• Stopped expanded state reliance on gambling (the "racino"), and questionable lottery schemes.
• Fought fiscally irresponsible draining of state assets like spending the $1.1 billion tobacco fund.
• Fought questionable budgetary accounting shifts & gimmicks, and penny-wise but pound-foolish cuts like cutting Minnesotans off of health insurance, daycare assistance, and meals on wheels.
• Fought fiscally irresponsible bonding for roads instead of Minnesota's more responsible bi-partisan pay-as-you-go system.
• Fought fiscally irresponsible cuts to schools.
• Stopped fiscally irresponsible pay increases for political appointees in a time of budget crisis.
• Fought to lower prescription drug costs for all Minnesotans.
• Was named one of the legislature’s strongest advocates for children.
• Experienced school board member & ad-hoc finance committee chair; brought school district in under budget while maintaining services.
• Taught environmental science for five years in Minnesota public schools.
• Rebecca and her husband built their own wind-powered, solar heated green home.
• Successful small business owner; built a successful 50-employee business.
• Rebecca, her husband, and her parents are all proud to be union.*
• Board member, DFL Education Foundation.
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