Affiliation | Republican |
2001-01-10 |
Name | Mark William Holsten |
Address | 7790 Minar Ln. Stillwater, Minnesota 55082, United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
September 06, 1965
(59 years)
Contributor | The Oncoming Storm |
Last Modifed | The Oncoming Storm Mar 23, 2008 03:59pm |
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Info | House 1993-2002 (District 56A)
House 2003 (District 52B)
State Agency Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (Deputy Commissioner) Appointed 01/17/2003 to 12/31/2006
State Agency Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (Commissioner) Appointed 01/??/2007 to ??/??/????
Wife, Lisa, two children; account executive, American Iron; B.A., University of Minnesota Duluth; teaching licensure, University of St. Thomas; elected: 1992; Stillwater resident since 1970; committees: Environment and Natural Resources Finance (chairman), Environment and Natural Resources Policy, Capital Investment, Regulated Industries, Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources.
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