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  Morfey, Dale
NameDale Morfey
Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903, United States
Born August 09, 1949 (75 years)
ContributorBarack O-blame-a
Last ModifedRBH
Sep 10, 2017 03:13am
InfoI was born and raised in Madison, WI. (located in southern Wisconsin, qualifying me as a lifetime Southerner... Born in the north, Southern, by the Grace of God.)
Born 1949 Age 54 - Born again 1973
Resident of Ft. Smith, AR for past 29 years
Married 1974 (29 wonderful years ago)
Daughter 28, Son 9, Two Grandsons (and numerous other relatives...and I will leave it at that)

Employed as Pressman then Graphic Prepress Production Specialist at local specialty printing company for past 27 years.

Approximately 2 years of college...from several "Institutions of Higher Learning"

Before my printing career I worked as Police Officer in both Wisconsin and Arkansas (Fort Smith) - graduated first in Class 75G at the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy in Camden, AR, both in academics and marksmanship. Worked in patrol and undercover narcotics. Ran afoul with corrupt elements within the Fort Smith Police Department and the City Prosecuting Attorney's Office resulting in my dismissal from service. Fought for reinstatement for 3+ years; the corrupt elements prevailed. - All of which I now see as a blessing because of the ministries my Heavenly Father has and had me involved in, which would not have been permitted if I was a police officer. (Such as being the President and Chairman of the Westark Christian Action Council, a pro-life/anti-abortion ministry.)

In every sense, my problems with law enforcement administrations, I wear as badges of honor. I remained lawful, truthful and upright in conduct throughout. I learned the important lesson, that in this world, confronting entrenched corruption with truth, is on occasion a thin shield indeed. I also learned that if principled men do not step forward and are willing to stand for what is right, the rascals rule.

My early political affiliation was originally Democrat. I changed to Republican after being born again and when the Democrats became intolerably corrupt and immoral. I became an Independent when it became clearly evident that the Republicans were only better in their campaign rhetoric and lacked the backbone to actually fight for what is right, just because it is right; and like the Democrats are seemingly unconcerned with the Constitution and their oaths of office. The only thing held sacred by the two parties these days is their re-elections and their holding on to power.

I am about as politically incorrect as they come, within the boundaries of decency and propriety, and even enjoy ethnic humor (GASP!!!), including that directed at my ethnicity (if you can determine it) and humor directed at all "sacred cows"... that's not religiously bigoted, is it? This of course, all providing such humor to be done in clean fun and jest and is not "off color"...that's not racist, is it? I really believe that people, especially those in public office, need to speak their minds and hearts, within the boundaries of decency and propriety, and hang what the "politically correct thought police" think! Canned, scripted, safe, politically correct, non-answers that protect a candidate's electability but do not address issues are deceitful and damaging to our country. Do not fear hearing such drivel from me.

I enjoy Family, Friends, Bible Study, Target Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, Sailing, Bowling, most kinds of music (especially the Cello), Politics and now with my son, Baseball and Football.

Why have I chosen this time, to run for this office? Are you ready for this? As a matter of obedience to the calling of my Lord and my God. To the carnal secular mind let there be no confusion on this point; that is THE Lord and Savior Christ Jesus and Almighty God, His Father.

I have prayed many years about what my level of participation in the political arena should be. Those who know me, know I have maintained, whenever possible, an active participation within all available public forums (radio and newspaper). I have worked within other political campaigns, contributing both my time and money, usually only to be disappointed or outrightly betrayed by those elected. I have been...slow to respond to a building impression that I should enter the political fray directly, but with the recent direct assault upon the Ten Commandments in another state, that building impression became a loud shout. I am running for Congress, because I must.


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  11/02/2004 AR - District 03 Lost 2.63% (-56.84%)