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  Lovel, Hugh
NameHugh Lovel
, Georgia , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedThomas Walker
Sep 18, 2003 08:41am
InfoHugh Lovel is the principal of the Union Agricultural Institute in Blairsville, Georgia. He is one of the leading biodynamic consultants in the US, and he has recently polarised the BD community with his intensive promotion of field broadcasters, which transmit homoeopathic potencies of traditional BD preps rather than the conventional application of Steiner’s formulations. At the recent Acres USA Conference, he hosted a display in the Trades Hall, which featured samples of some of his BD crops and dried herbs produced using energy manipulation. If ‘the proof is in the pudding’, then we all should be researching his approach. I tasted week-old spinach, which had remained as crisp as the day it was picked. It was definitely the highest brix spinach I have ever sampled. When he unscrewed a jar of his dried herbs, the rich basil aroma virtually filled the room. Once again, I have never encountered herbs of such quality.

In mid 2000, I was mistakenly booked to speak at a conference in Queensland and New South Wales, featuring Hugh Lovel. I could have tried harder to rearrange my hectic schedule to accommodate the proposed seminars, but I declined, partly because I felt that his particular approach could alienate conventional growers and somehow affect our credibility. Since then, I have followed Hugh’s prolific postings on an Internet news group for sustainable agriculture, called Sanet (This is a great service which I recommend to all readers). The Sanet postings reveal a compassionate, highly intelligent writer / consultant with a true, creative insight and a wonderful turn of phrase. In his role as a regular Sanet contributor, Hugh has answered queries from allcomers, waged raging battles, revealed intimate details of his past life and new love and, above all, he has tirelessly promoted his great passion – the science of biodynamics.

Graeme Sait


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