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  Branch, Paula Johnson
NamePaula Johnson Branch
Baltimore, Maryland , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifedU Ole Polecat
Oct 25, 2004 07:28am
InfoA native Baltimorean and lifelong resident, she was elected to the Baltimore City Council in 1991 and is currently serving her third term. During the years prior to joining the Baltimore City Council, Paula served 12 years on the Democratic State Central Committee, 45th Legislative District, was elected as a Delegate to the 1992 Democratic National Convention; served 12 years in the U.S. Army Reserves; owned two small businesses; held several positions in City Government working diligently behind the scenes assisting the district's "elected officials" in the delivery of constituent services; and volunteered on many boards and commissions. Because of her leadership, knowledge of government, and sensitivity to neighborhood concerns, she was selected to represent Baltimore City in Kingston Jamaica (Virgin Islands) to discuss community and economic development and give the keynote address at the Kingston Restoration Development Corporation's fundraiser in October 1998. Over the years, Paula has received numerous citations for her commitment and contributions to the Baltimore community. Most recently, she was the recipient of the Fullwood Foundation's Valued Hours Award (January 11, 2003).

In the early 1970's Paula assisted with the formation of several Urban Renewal areas in Baltimore. In 1984, she founded the Berea Outreach Center that provided much needed community, social and economic development services. While representing the Second Councilmanic District, Paula has many accomplishments credited to her hard work.

Paula has served on boards of several human service organizations and as advisor to several community development corporations. Such organizations include the East Baltimore Community Corporation, Oliver Development Corporation, Baltimore Mental Health Systems, Moveable Feast, Human Services Commission, just to name a few. Through these organizations, Paula assists in providing resources to the Baltimore community in the areas of economic development, housing and sanitation, job training and employment, health, and meals to homebound patients with AIDS.

As former Chairman and now "Honorary Member" of the Board of Directors of the East Baltimore Community Corporation, Paula has been able to participate in many East Baltimore development efforts. The East Baltimore Medical Center, East Baltimore Drug Abuse Center, East Baltimore Youth Services Bureau, the Ashland Mews Housing Development and the Youth Fair Chance Center are projects credited to this corporation's efforts, providing housing, health services, job training and placement, substance abuse treatment, and microenterprise development. As Chairman of the Berea Task Force and former member of the board of the Johns Hopkins Health Plan, Paula was able to participate in the development of the Berea Health Center and the Berea Apostolic Senior High-rise. As a member of the Human Services Commission, Paula strived to ensure that all neighborhoods throughout Baltimore receive adequate services from city agencies. In her capacity as Human Services Administrator with the Maryland State Child Care Administration, Paula's efforts center around increasing the availability and accessibility of regulated child care facilities for working families.

As former Board Member of the Police Complaint Evaluation Board, Paula reviewed citizens' complaints against the police department and advised the Police Department about citizens' concerns. As former Chairperson of the Eastern District Police Community Relations Council, she worked closely with residents and police to address the drug and crime problems in neighborhoods.

Understanding the importance of directing the energy of our youth in positive directions, Paula supports recreational programs by donating money and providing support services such as transportation for many youth programs, i.e., summer fun camps, tutorial programs, and Police Athletic League (PAL) centers.

Paula currently serves as Chair of the East Baltimore Housing/Biotech Project Advisory Committee. In this capacity, she demonstrates outstanding leadership in promoting economic development activity and ensuring that all are treated fairly in the process. Her background in business administration and management has equipped her with a strong foundation from which to draw upon when representing the interests of her constituency.

Paula is the Chair of the Urban Affairs Commitee and Member of the Budget and Taxation Committee on the Baltimore City Council.

from candidate's website


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Importance? 0.00000 Average


  11/02/2004 Baltimore City, MD Council 13 Won 79.79% (+67.56%)
  11/02/1999 Baltimore, MD City Council 2 Won 29.26% (-2.91%)
  09/14/1999 Baltimore, MD City Council 2 - D Primary Won 16.71% (-0.31%)
  11/07/1995 Baltimore, MD City Council 2 Won 29.22% (+0.00%)
  11/05/1991 Baltimore, MD City Council 2 Won 31.74% (-2.16%)