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  Schweitzer, Brian
NameBrian Schweitzer
AddressPO Box 9172
Missoula (Whitefish), Montana 59807, United States
Website [Link]
Born September 05, 1955 (69 years)
Last ModifedBarack O-blame-a
Feb 26, 2013 06:23pm
Tags Caucasian - German - Irish - Married - Catholic - Straight -
InfoBrian was born in Havre in 1955, the fourth of six children -- five sons and a daughter -- of Kay and Adam Schweitzer. He was raised on his parent's registered cattle ranch in the Judith Basin, Montana. His German and Irish grandparents immigrated to Montana near the turn of the century and homesteaded in Hill County. They are buried there. His parents still farm near Geyser.

Brian earned a Bachelor of Science degree in International Agronomy from Colorado State University, and later earned a Master of Science degree in Soil Science from Montana State University. Brian married Nancy Hupp, his college sweetheart, in 1981. Nancy was raised in Billings and received her Bachelor of Science degree in Botany from Montana State University.

Brian has been signing the front side of a paycheck for 25 years. He has owned and operated Montana farms in Flathead, Sanders, Rosebud, and Judith Basin Counties. His business and agricultural experience is broad and deep, including extensive farming and ranching experience in Montana, and successful agricultural business projects on five continents.

After graduation, Brian and Nancy began a career of irrigation development that took them to Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. He has built hundreds of miles of roads, poured thousands of yards of concrete, buried many miles of pipe, and built hundreds of structures, from houses to warehouses to distillation plants. During seven years in Saudi Arabia, Brian developed over 28,000 acres of irrigated cropland. Brian and Nancy returned to Montana in 1986 to raise a family and to build a ranching and irrigation business in Montana.

In 1993, Brian was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to serve on the Montana State USDA Farm Service Agency committee. He served for seven years with the FSA, and his three-person committee was responsible for the operation of 46 county offices, 300 employees and a budget of more than $300 million. He resigned in 1999 to run for U.S. Senate.

Brian has been active in developing and implementing national farm policy, and ensuring that the voice of local Montanans is heard. In 1995, he received an award from the Secretary of Agriculture for outreach efforts to Native Americans. In 1996, Brian was appointed to the Montana Rural Development Partnership Board. In 1999, he was appointed to the National Drought Task Force, a 16-member national board, to review policy and report to Congress an improved coordination response to drought emergencies nationwide.

Brian�s life experiences are broad and diverse. He has learned to fly his own plane, obtained a Montana Boiler�s license, has communicated in several languages and has a chemical applicator�s license.

Brian and Nancy currently live on a wheat, barley, and hay farm near Whitefish, Montana. They have three children, sons Ben, 17, and Khai, 16, and daughter Katrina, 14.

DateFirmApproveDisapproveDon't Know
09/10/2012-09/11/2012 Public Policy Polling 56.00% ( 1.0) 35.00% ( 2.0) 9.00% ( 4.0)
11/28/2011-11/30/2011 Public Policy Polling 55.00% ( 0.0) 33.00% ( 0.0) 13.00% ( 1.0)
11/10/2010-11/13/2010 Public Policy Polling 55.00% ( 0.0) 33.00% ( 0.0) 12.00% ( 0.0)
11/05/2009-11/08/2009 Montana State University Billings 62.00% ( 1.0) 20.00% ( 2.0) 18.00% ( 1.0)
11/08/2007-11/11/2007 Montana State University Billings 63.00% ( 14.0) 18.00% ( 6.0) 19.00% ( 8.0)
06/25/2007-06/27/2007 Mason-Dixon 64.00% ( 5.0) 34.00% ( 6.0) 2.00% ( 1.0)
10/10/2006-10/15/2006 Montana State University Billings 77.00% ( 8.0) 12.00% ( 2.0) 11.00% ( 6.0)
09/20/2006-09/20/2006 Rasmussen Reports 78.00% ( 5.0) 20.00% ( 4.0) 2.00% ( 1.0)
09/14/2006-09/17/2006 Survey USA 69.00% ( 0.0) 24.00% ( 1.0) 7.00% ( 1.0)
07/14/2006-07/16/2006 Survey USA 69.00% ( 4.0) 23.00% ( 3.0) 8.00% ( 2.0)
DateFirmFavorableUnfavorableDon't Know
02/15/2013-02/17/2013 Public Policy Polling 56.00% ( 0.0) 37.00% ( 0.0) 7.00% ( 0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
May 20, 2013 07:00pm News Brian Schweitzer Named Chairman Of Mining Company  Article J.R. 
Sep 05, 2012 11:00am News Gov. Schweitzer Accuses Montanans of Racism  Article Hikikomori Blitzkrieg! 
Apr 16, 2011 06:00pm Blog Entry Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer vetoes far-right Republican bills with a branding iron  Article Brandonius Maximus 
Feb 24, 2011 08:30pm Amusing [MT] Governor registers 'VETO' brand  Article RP 
Apr 01, 2007 01:40pm General (Former Montana Gov.) Judy Martz criticizes Schweitzer as bully  Article Ashley 
Dec 25, 2005 06:40am Poll [MT Gov] Schweitzer snags top job approval ratings  Article ArmyDem 

Importance? 7.33330 Average


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