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  Steagall II, Henry B.
NameHenry B. Steagall II
Ozark, Alabama , United States
Born September 04, 1922
DiedNovember 20, 1999 (77 years)
ContributorUser 490
Last ModifedMr. Matt
Sep 05, 2022 10:29pm
Tags Married - Military Reserve - Navy - Freemason - Methodist -

WHEREAS, the Alabama Legislature grievously records the death of our friend and former colleague, Henry Bascom Steagall, II, of Ozark, Alabama, on November 20, 1999, at the age of 77 years; and

WHEREAS, Henry Steagall was a former Alabama Supreme Court Justice who also served our state as a four-term State Representative, as State Finance Director, and as Executive Secretary to the Governor; and

WHEREAS, Henry Steagall was born in Abbeville on September 4, 1922, the son of the late Susan Koonce Steagall and Orlando Marvin Steagall, and was named for his uncle, United States Congressman Henry Bascom Steagall; he was a graduate of Auburn University and the University of Alabama School of Law where he was a member of the Editorial Board and the Alabama Law Review; he served three years of active duty in the Pacific Theater during World War II as a member of the United States Navy; and

WHEREAS, in 1951, Henry Steagall began the practice of law and continued his legal career until 1986, except for the periods that he served as Executive Secretary to the Governor and State Finance Director, both under the late Governor George C. Wallace; during his legal career, he served in the Alabama Legislature from 1954 to 1970 as a State Representative from Dale County, and also served as State Bar Commissioner for the 33rd Judicial Circuit and was a member of the Alabama and American Bar Associations; and

WHEREAS, Henry Steagall was appointed to the Alabama Supreme Court and assumed the office of Associate Justice in 1986; he was elected to a full term in the next general election, and retired from the court in 1995; and

WHEREAS, Henry Steagall was a faithful member of the First United Methodist Church of Ozark and a former Chairman of the Administrative Board, and was an active member of his community who was a Mason and a charter member and past president of the Ozark Rotary Club, as well as a member of the VFW and the American Legion; and

WHEREAS, additionally, Henry Steagall served as a member of the Auburn University Board of Trustees for 16 years and as President Pro Tempore of the Auburn Board; in 1996, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Auburn University; and

WHEREAS, a truly commendable Alabamian, Henry Steagall was a devoted public servant who served the State of Alabama with great leadership ability, integrity, and tireless devotion, and his enduring accomplishments and superior record of service will not soon be forgotten; and

WHEREAS, left to cherish the memory of Henry Steagall are his beloved wife, Frances Rector Steagall; son and daughter-in-law, Henry B. Steagall, III, and Frances Steagall; daughter and son-in-law, Susan Steagall Brown and Clarence Brown; son and daughter-in-law, Fred Rector Steagall and Patti Steagall; grandchildren, Amy Luck, Brantley Steagall, Jamison and Maren Brown, Spencer, Scott, and Mary Frances Steagall; great grandchildren, Lacy and Adam Luck; nephews, James Solomon, Jr., and Tom Atkeson; and niece, Mary Atkeson Gibson; now therefore,



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Son Henry B. Steagall, III 0000-

  11/08/1988 AL St Supreme Court Place 4 Won 60.76% (+21.51%)
  11/08/1966 AL House 042 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)