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  Johnson, Herschel V.
NameHerschel V. Johnson
Louisville, Georgia , United States
Born September 18, 1812
DiedAugust 16, 1880 (67 years)
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifedRBH
Aug 10, 2015 06:19pm
Infoa Senator from Georgia; born near Farmer�s Bridge, Burke County, Ga., September 18, 1812; attended private schools and Monaghan Academy near Warrenton; graduated from the University of Georgia at Athens in 1834; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1834 and commenced practice; moved to a plantation, �Sandy Grove,� in Jefferson County in 1839 and practiced law in Louisville; unsuccessful Democratic candidate in 1843 for election to fill a vacancy in the Twenty-eighth Congress; presidential elector on the Democratic ticket 1844; moved to Milledgeville, Ga., in 1844 and continued the practice of law; unsuccessful candidate for nomination as Governor in 1847; appointed as a Democrat to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Walter T. Colquitt and served from February 4, 1848, to March 3, 1849; was not a candidate for election to fill this vacancy; chairman, Committee on the District of Columbia (Thirtieth Congress); judge of the superior court of the Ocmulgee circuit 1849-1853; presidential elector on the Democratic ticket 1852; Governor of Georgia 1853-1857; returned to his plantation near Louisville, Jefferson County, in 1857; unsuccessful candidate for Vice President of the United States on the Douglas Democratic ticket in 1860; delegate to the State secession convention at Milledgeville in 1861; a Senator from Georgia in the Second Confederate Congress 1862-1865; president of the State constitutional convention in 1865; presented credentials in 1866 as a Senator-elect to the United States Senate but was not permitted to qualify; resumed the practice of law in Louisville; appointed judge of the middle circuit of Georgia in 1873 and served until his death on his plantation near Louisville, Ga., August 16, 1880; interment in the Old Louisville Cemetery.


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Wife Ann Fromentine Polk Johnson 00, 0000-

New Georgia Encyclopedia  Discuss
  01/19/1863 GA CSA Senate Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/06/1860 US Vice President Lost 3.96% (-55.45%)
  08/25/1860 US Vice President - D Appointment Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  06/06/1856 US Vice President - D Convention Lost 5.77% (-49.35%)
  10/01/1855 GA Governor Won 52.14% (+10.38%)
  10/03/1853 GA Governor Won 50.27% (+0.54%)
  02/01/1848 GA US Senate - Appointment Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  10/02/1843 GA At-Large - Special Election Lost 23.86% (-2.55%)