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  Bachynsky, Richard
NameRichard Bachynsky
, Ontario , Canada
Born Unknown
Last ModifedMonsieur
Oct 17, 2008 12:32pm
InfoRichard Bachynsky is an environmentalist, writer, consultant, and candidate for the Essex Ontario riding of the Green Party of Canada.

Richard became strongly active in environmental interests since the mid 1980’s, where in his travels as a consultant to many developing nations and regions in North America, was startled to see the complete disregard for environmental issues.

Being born and raised in the community, he has seen the rapid decline of the region in terms of jobs, environmental issues, and health related issues. With the failure of recent members of parliament to attract new industry, or having a vision of improving the local environment and infrastructure issues including the Detroit – Windsor border crossings, or improving the basic needs of the community including health care, the motivation of improving this region has never been greater. Although the region has cyclical upturns and downturns, the current conditions have been unprecedented in the last 40 years.

A region rich in agriculture, industry, and resources, with the Windsor - Essex district population approaching 400,000, and with the Detroit – Windsor Essex population approaching 6 million, and with 46 million people living within 300 miles of the region, it is inconceivable that the region has one of Canada’s highest unemployment rates. With minimal Federal assistance towards creation of jobs, promotion of tourism, assistance towards small businesses, improving the health care in the region, decreasing living expenses for retires, and the numerous other issues, the residents of the region are being shortchanged.

Active in finance, Richard has worked towards establishing new green industries including tire and industrial waste rubber recycling, biodiesel fuel plants, and alternative energy development worldwide. In addition, he has extensive experience in real estate management and financing, and has served as a consultant for numerous firms completing projects both in Canada, and Internationally.

Completing studies with an MBA and as a mortgage broker in Ontario, he is a member of CAAMP (Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals) and is a Senior Consultant for Mortgage Alliance.

Currently Richard is a board of director member of the Amherstburg Chamber of Commerce, and is active in the promotion of industry, tourism, and economic development in the region. Previously, he was a member of parent and teacher association of F.J. Brennan High School in Windsor, and of the OMBA. In addition, he was active as a coach for minor hockey for the Windsor Minor Hockey Association, Riverside Hockey Association, and the Patterson Chiefs Hockey Program.

Married to Carol, he is parent to 3 teenagers Erik, Laura, and Daniel.



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  10/14/2008 ON Parliament - Essex Lost 4.34% (-35.67%)