Affiliation | Green |
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2021-01-01 |
Name | Lorraine Rekmans |
Address | Elliott Lake, Ontario , Canada |
Email | None |
Website | None |
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Contributor | Monsieur |
Last Modifed | Mr. Matt Sep 21, 2021 09:12pm |
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Info | Lorraine was born at Elliot Lake, Ontario, is of Ojibwa-French descent and is a member of the Serpent River First Nation. She has been married to Gerry Rekmans for 25 years and they have two sons, Christopher and Joshua.
Lorraine is a long time advocate for environmental and social justice issues through her work in both media and non-governmental organizations. With a background in journalism, Lorraine has extensive experience in policy development working with Aboriginal organizations, government, industry and the public, including as the former Executive Director of the National Aboriginal Forestry Association.
Lorraine was instrumental in developing a number of natural resource development initiatives in northern Ontario, including establishing a forestry enterprise and securing a crown timber license. She was involved in developing the first Aboriginal owned forestry marketing co-operative in Canada and has supported sustainable non-timber forest product development in northern Ontario through organizing research, writing, advocacy and regional and national conferences.
Lorraine is the co-editor of This Is My Homeland, a book which captures the experiences of members of the Serpent River First Nation and the impact on their lives from uranium mining at Elliot Lake. Notably, she acted as a witness at the World Uranium Hearing at Salzburg, Austria.
Lorraine is the GPC Shadow Cabinet Critic on Aboriginal Affairs.
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