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  Solberg, Kent
NameKent Solberg
Tucson, Arizona , United States
Born Unknown
ContributorThomas Walker
Last Modifededdy 9_99
May 31, 2010 09:03pm
InfoName: Kent A. H. Solberg
Office seeking: State Representative, District 27
Party registration: Green
Age: 61
Occupation/employer: Co-owner of Kent's Tools
Family: Wife, Salle E.S. Hunter; father, Fred Solberg; brother and sister-in-law, Andy Solberg and Judith Kari; niece, Jane Jordan Solberg
Religion: Jewish
Income: Varies, small-business owner
Residence: Tucson
Education: B.A. Business Administration, Boston University, and a Master's of Social Work, Arizona State University
Offices held/run for: First time
Civic activities/organizations: Volunteer chair Free Clinic of Tucson; Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration Committee; Grant Rd. Small Business Coalition; and the Keeling Neighborhood Association.
Why are you running? This country, the state of Arizona and the city of Tucson are facing economic, societal and ecological crises and I know that I can make a difference.
The biggest issue facing my constituents is: The economy.
Favorite local hangout: In front of the TV watching the Wildcats.
How long have you lived in Arizona? 37 years.
What kind of vehicle do you drive? What kind of mileage does it get? 1995 Geo Sedan, 27 MPG
If I could have dinner with any living person, I would choose: Cynthia McKinney, Green Party candidate for president of the United States, on the Arizona allot.
If I had my own reality show, it would be titled: "Survivor: Campaign 2008."
Do you see tax cuts as a good way to grow the economy during the economic downturn, or would you prefer to raise taxes or see them stay the same to avoid cutting government programs?
In these times of growing disparity between the very rich and the rest of us, too many tax cuts have been given the wealthy few and large corporations. With our country's current economic crisis and the budget shortfalls our state is facing, I believe any more cuts would be a mistake.
On the other hand, I believe we can't raise taxes in a time when the average citizen is struggling to survive. During economic downturns, and we can only hope this is a downturn, selling bonds can be a cost effective measure to build needed faculties, do capital improvements and bolster the economy.
What policies would you support to improve the standing of Arizona schools in comparison to the rest of the nation?
It cannot be stressed more that the most important ages to target are those formidable ages of learning from the first days of birth to the third grade. Studies show that every dollar spent getting children off to the right start in life, will save that dollar tenfold later in life; often those 10 dollars are being spent in the justice system.
If a child is hooked on reading and learning when young, the rest of their educational years will be exciting. Therefore I would support early childhood education, smaller classrooms and programs to enable parents to learn and read with their children.
When we are able, I would support higher salaries for teachers so that we could keep the good teachers here and not have a brain drain to other, higher paying, states.
With the transportation tax off the ballot and the federal transportation trust running dry, how would you pay for growing transportation needs?
Although I stated that I would not raise taxes at this time, this might be one exception. Instead of an added regressive sales tax like the Time Initiative, I think it may be appropriate to raise the gasoline tax, which hasn't been increased in many years. I see it as a user tax that is more equitable to those of us who drive small vehicles, ride bicycles or use public transportation. Thus, those who use our highways and drive through our state will pay their fair share when they buy gas. The maintenance of our roads and highways is a safety issue and I would want this money to be used for just that purpose.
The state's budget shortfall next year may be in the neighborhood of $2 billion. It must be balanced. How do you do that? Raise taxes/which ones? Cut programs/which ones?
As a small-business person the current economic crises is no surprise to me. The methods used to balance next years budget included delayed payments for future years, increased sales of lottery tickets and increased motorist fines through new camera surveillance.
Now, with shortfalls in state revenues we face an even greater budget deficit.
I think we need to have across-the-board cuts in all areas except education, social services and health care. It's during these hard economic times that these services are needed the most. I believe that the legislature should take a hard look at the tax breaks it's given the insurance companies and corporations as a source of additional revenue.
Should the state expand government services to help those who lack health care? What else can or should the state do in the face of rising health-care costs, particularly for those who are self-employed or run small businesses?
I believe that universal healthcare and a Single Payer Health Care Program for Arizona is the only way to guarantee quality, comprehensive and affordable health care for everyone. We must cut out the profit takers, the insurance companies, and force the pharmaceutical companies to sell us drugs at the same prices they sell Canada, Europe and developing countries.
Do you support the constitutional amendment on this year's ballot defining marriage as between one man and one woman?
Absolutely not. All citizens of the United States who pay their share of taxes should share equal rights. Constitutional bans on human rights strike at the vary core of the Green Party's Values. The rights of women to make choices regarding pregnancy and reproduction and the rights of all citizens regardless of race, age, sex, religion or sexual preference must be protected. Marriage is a civil union between two people and sex and religion should not be a factor. The fact that religions celebrate their unions is wonderful.
What should the state's role be when it comes to controlling immigration and mitigating its effects?
It's time that the federal government developed a workable guest worker program. Since it doesn't appear that they will, I believe that Arizona should take the lead in developing it's own. The thousands of immigrants in Arizona not only perform valuable work and services, but are an important segment of our cultural, economic and consumer communities.
What policies can or should be passed at the state level to address clean air, water and natural open space preservation concerns?
Arizona, Pima County and the city of Tucson have taken giant steps in protecting our air, water and natural open spaces. However there is much more to do. We need a sustainable water usage plan for the state. Uncontrolled growth without regard for the future cannot be sustained. We need to protect Tucson's aquifer and find new ways to conserve water usage and recharge the aquifer by capturing runoff water during the rainy seasons. We need to encourage homeowners and developers to install cisterns and water collection systems through tax incentives to the owner and mandatory codes to the developers.
Treated effluent is a precious commodity that should be used in parks, golf courses and industry and not to recharge our drinking, bathing and cooking water supply.
Arizona needs to be the world leader in research, development and implementation of solar energy. It is a truly sustainable resource and could bring thousands of new high-paying jobs to our state that couldn't be outsourced to other countries.



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Importance? 0.00000 Average


  11/02/2010 AZ State House 27 Lost 8.14% (-25.15%)
  08/24/2010 AZ State House 27- GRN Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/2008 AZ State House 27 Lost 5.26% (-31.79%)
  09/02/2008 AZ State House 27 - G Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
AZ-2008-Proposition 105 (Majority Rules) - Nov 04, 2008 NO No
AZ-2008-Proposition 101 (Medical Choice for Arizona) - Nov 04, 2008 NO No