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  Kurkowski, David
NameDavid Kurkowski
Address807 Corgie Street
Cape May, New Jersey 08204, United States
Website [Link]
Born January 13, 1948 (76 years)
ContributorEx-New Jerseyan
Last ModifedCraverguy
Nov 24, 2008 12:13am
Tags Caucasian - Married - Union Member - Presbyterian - Straight -
InfoHis roots. Dave was the fourth child of Reverend Braynard Kurkowski and his wife, Mary. When Dave was born, the family was living in a small rectory that was attached to the church Braynard preached in every Sunday. Both parents were devoted public servants who dedicated their lives to the ideals of charity, tolerance, and community service. They passed these values on to their four children—Fred, who followed in his father's footsteps and became a minister; Paul, who worked in nursing homes; Catherine, who became a school psychiatrist; and Dave, who became a public schoolteacher and later determined to serve the community by running for public office.

14 years as a public schoolteacher. Dave spent the first 14 years of his career as a public schoolteacher, teaching civics and social studies to junior high and high school students. He also served as a teacher and director of the Head Start program. While he was teaching, he met Myra, a fellow teacher at the same high school, who later became his wife. Dave and Myra look back on these early years fondly—when they were just starting out together. As teachers at a public school, they each made $6,450 per year—but they remember these as happy times. They went on to raise a family of three--Susie, Dan, and Ellen.

Successful small business owner. Dave later determined he wanted to be his own boss. In 1987, with three young children, he took a second mortgage of $50,000 to start a small business in the basement of his house. The company, Kurkowski Market Research, a consulting firm, started off with three employees—Dave and Myra, who have worked together almost their entire professional lives—and one secretary. That company went on to be successful, and Dave and Myra still work together in that company twenty years later, employing three full-time and a number of part-time staff.

Public servant. Dave's success in pulling himself up by his bootstraps inspired him to go back to his roots and give back to the community. In 2006, he was elected to Cape May's City Council, where he is a consensus-builder, bringing both parties together to improve Cape May's business district to boost the local economy and to develop public spaces for families. His belief that our country is on the wrong path inspired his run for Congress this year, and he was successful in receiving the Democratic nomination—in fact, Dave received more votes in his primary than any Democratic candidate in recent history. Dave looks forward to getting our country back on the right track—focusing on our economy and preserving American jobs, redeploying our troops to target those who threaten our nation, and improving public schools and the health care system.

Dave Kurkowski. Change for South Jersey.


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  11/04/2008 NJ - District 02 Lost 39.09% (-19.97%)
  06/03/2008 NJ District 02 - D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)