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  Beckett, Samuel
NameSamuel Beckett
, , Ireland
Born April 13, 1906
DiedDecember 22, 1989 (83 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedSesel
Feb 04, 2013 05:54pm
Info1906 Born in Dublin of Irish parents
1927 B.A. Trinity College, Dublin
1928-29 English reader at École Normale Supérieure, Paris
1930 French reader at Trinity College, Dublin
1938 Moved to France
1945 Began writing in French
1989 Died in Paris

Works in French
1951 Molloy (novel)
1951 Malone Meurt (novel)
1952 En attendant Godot/Waiting for Godot (play in two acts)
1953 L'innommable/The Unnamable (novel)
1955 Nouvelles et Textes Pour Rien/Stories and Texts for Nothing
1957 Fin de Partie/Endgame (one-act play) followed by: Acte sans Paroles I/Act without Words I
1961 Comment C'est/How It Is (novel)
1967 Têtes Mortes (D'un ouvrage abandonné/From an Abandoned Work, Imagination Morte Imaginez/Imagination Dead Imagine, Bing/Ping)
1970 Premier amour/First Love (novel)
1978 Pas, suivi de Quatre Esquisses/Steps, followed by Four Sketches (plays)
1979 Poèmes/Poems

Works in English
1977 Ends and Odds: Plays and Sketches
1979 All Strange Gone Away (short prose)
1980 Company (short prose)
1980 The Expelled and Other Novellas
1981 Rockaby and Other Pieces (plays and prose)
1982 Three Occasional Pieces (plays)
1983 Worstward Ho (short prose)
1983 Disjecta: Miscellaneous Writing and a Dramatic Fragment
1984 Collected Shorter Prose 1945-1980
1986 Collected Poems 1930-1979
1989 Nohow On (short stories)
1990 As the Story Was Told: Uncollected and Late Prose

French translations by the author
1953 Murphy (novel)
1957 Tous Ceux qui Tombent/All that Fall (radio play)
1960 La dernière bande/Krapp's Last Tape (one-act play) followed by
Cendres/Embers (play)
1963 Oh Les Beaux Jours/Happy Days (play in two acts)
1966 Comédie et Actes Divers/Play and Sundry Acts (Comédie/Play, Va-et-Vient/
Come and Go, Cascando, Paroles et Musique/Words and Music,
Dis Joe/Eh! Joe, Acte sans Paroles II/Act without Words II)
1968 Poèmes/Poems
1969 Watt (novel - translated by Ludovic and Agnès Janvier in collaboration with the author)

Works in English translated from French by the author
1972 The Lost Ones (short prose)
1973 First Love (short prose)
1974 Mercier and Camier (novel)
1975 Malone Dies (novel)
1975 The Unnamable (novel)
1976 For to End Yet Again and Other Fizzles (short prose)
1978 Six Residua (short prose)
1982 Ill Seen, Ill Said

From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Sture Allén, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993

Samuel Beckett died on December 22, 1989.



Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

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Importance? 0.00000 Average


  10/10/1969 Nobel Prize in Literature Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  10/10/1968 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  10/10/1967 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  10/10/1966 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-50.00%)
  10/10/1965 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  10/10/1964 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  10/10/1963 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
  10/10/1957 Nobel Prize in Literature Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)