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  Pierantoni, Augusto
NameAugusto Pierantoni
, , Italy
Born June 24, 1840
DiedMarch 12, 1911 (70 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedThomas Walker
Feb 23, 2008 10:53pm
InfoAugusto Pierantoni (* 24. June 1840 in Chieti; ? 12. March 1911 in Rome) was an Italian lawyer and politician. It worked among other things as a professor at different Italian universities and as a senator. Beyond that it was 1873 in the establishment Institut de Droit internationally (Institut for international law) involved.

Augusto Pierantoni was first Ministerialsekretaer in turin and late professor for constitutional law as well as international right at the Universities of Modena (starting from 1865), Neapel (starting from 1871) and Rome (starting from 1876). Beyond that it became 1883 member of the Italian senate. In the year 1885 it represented Italy on that Paris conference over shipping in the Sueskanal.

In September 1873 it created other lawyers from different countries in the Belgian city Gent Institut de Droit together with ten internationally (Institut for international law). A goal this institution, which was distinguished 1904 with the Nobel peace prize, existing into the present, is the advancement of the international right. In the same year he had been nominated due to his earnings/services around international law and the international arbitration for the price.

It was married starting from 1868 with the Dichterin Grazia Pierantoni Mancini, a daughter of the lawyer Pasquale Stanislao Mancini, which was internationally involved likewise in the establishment Institut de Droit and whose first president became.

Augusto Pierantoni saw the bases of international law particularly in a set of general principles, among which he ranked among other things the principle of nationality and the principle of the noninterference, and regarded their spreading as conditions for the progress of the international right. At the time at that time likewise the right-positivistic aspect wide-spread in international law faced this view of a development of international law by a reciprocal effect between ideas and its practical arrangement , which sees the basis of the right alone in written standards.



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  10/10/1904 Nobel Peace Prize Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)