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  Paolino, Lisa
NameLisa Paolino
Address301 Iven Avenue Radnor Township
Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087, United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedMr. Matt
Oct 14, 2022 09:13am
Tags Married -
InfoFrom candidates' website...
"I am a life-long Republican who in 1999 became the first woman ever elected to serve on the Radnor Township Board of Commissioners. I have been serving as Board Vice-President since 2003.

I am a graduate of Villanova University with more than 20 years of professional business experience, most recently as Vice President of Operations and Marketing for Mace Securities.

As you may know, the demographics of Radnor are very diverse but I have managed to hold my 5th Ward seat for the GOP, despite the fact that it?s the most Democrat Ward in the Township.

Although this broad base diversity has presented us with many challenges regarding policy making and leadership, servicing the needs of my constituents has always been my top priority. This fact has helped prepare me to represent the various needs of the towns of the 17th State Senate District.

I was born in Philadelphia and raised in Delaware County and was one of six kids in my family. I graduated from Cardinal O'Hara High School in 1979.

I married my high school sweetheart, who became a Marine aviator. We had two children, Michael (21) and Gabrielle (18) . We lived the typical Marine Corps life for many years. Though we are not together now, we are still close and have a strong bond and commitment towards raising our children.

In addition to working and being a mom, I have also been very involved in my community. I serve as Vice-Chair of the American Red Cross Board of Directors SEPA Chapter and the Board of Directors of the Wayne Art Center."


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  04/22/2008 PA State Senate 17 - R Primary Lost 39.44% (-21.13%)