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  Segall, Joshua
NameJoshua Segall
Montgomery, Alabama , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
ContributorUser 490
Last ModifedPaul
Jan 17, 2022 11:59pm
InfoJoshua Segall was born and raised in Montgomery, like his father and grandfather before him. Josh is proud to say that four generations of his family have made Alabama their home.

From an early age, Josh was passionate about public service. At 15, he volunteered to walk door-to-door and hand out literature for local campaigns. After college, Josh took the opportunity to work for campaigns as a community organizer around the country: in Virginia, Texas and Washington D.C., and of course Alabama.

"I saw first-hand how important it is for communities to come together and stand up for what they believe and the future they want to build. And I saw how powerful 'we the people' can be when we stand together."

During his time organizing, Josh met a lot of people. Most of them were proud, lifelong Alabamians like Josh - people who understood the importance of getting involved and who were eager to improve their communities. Those experiences set the course for what would become Josh's career in public service.

With that in mind, Josh returned home to attend Law School at the University of Alabama. While there, he founded an organization called "Homegrown Alabama" which worked with the university to buy its food from local Alabama farmers. Josh also taught a class on agriculture development and, with the help of Alabama students, started a farmer's market. With a little bit of planning and some elbow grease, they helped the University community come together to support Alabama's farmers while creating an economic benefit for our state.

After earning his degree, Josh moved back home to practice law in Montgomery. He clerked for the Hon. W. Keith Watkins and became Of Counsel with the law firm Memory & Day, a civil defense firm.

"My legal career has allowed me to help so many people on a one-to-one basis. It's important that people see government is more than roads and taxes; it should be an economic driver, it should be a supporter of our values and beliefs."


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  11/04/2008 AL - District 03 Lost 46.48% (-6.91%)