Affiliation | Tory |
Name | George Canning |
Address | Newport, England , United Kingdom |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
April 11, 1770
Died | August 08, 1827
(57 years)
Contributor | Ralphie |
Last Modifed | Ralphie Jan 22, 2008 01:58am |
Tags |
Info | MP for Newtown (Isle of Wight) 1793-1796
MP for Wendover 1796-1802
MP for Tralee 1802-1806
MP for Hastings 1807-1812
MP for Petersfield 1812
MP for Liverpool 1812-1823
MP for Harwich 1823-1826
MP for Newport (Isle of Wight) 1826-1827
Foreign Secretary 1807-1809, 1822-1827
Leader of the House of Commons 1822-1827
Chancellor of the Exchequer 1827
Prime Minister 1827
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