Affiliation | Republican |
Name | William "Bill" Marcy |
Address | 501 Fairway Drive, Ste 5A Vicksburg, Mississippi , United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
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Contributor | RBH |
Last Modifed | RBH Jun 22, 2015 08:58pm |
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Info | Bill Marcy doesn’t just call himself a Conservative; he has lived his whole life as a Conservative. He has been opposed to Liberal policies since the 1960’s because as a police officer in the City of Chicago, he saw Liberalism’s effect on society first hand. Liberals point to the riots at the 1968 Democratic Convention as a tipping point for their agenda and while the destruction and anger spilled out into the streets, Bill was fighting on the side of Law and Order as a young member of the National Guard.
In the early seventies, it became clear to Bill that the War on Poverty had not lifted the poor to a new standard of living, but had in reality created a new social class of dependent upon the crumbs thrown to them by elected officials who promised streets of gold and only delivered more and more poverty. As a police officer, he saw families torn apart by government welfare policies that made women more valuable as single parents and encouraged men to abdicate their role as providers to their offspring. He saw first-hand the despair left behind after all the feel-good policies had been enacted and the politicians had moved on.
After 9 years of police work, Bill entered the private sector when he became the Director of Security at a number of prominent business including Omni Hotels International, Eden Roc Hotel and Ceders Medical Center. He learned first hand how to make a payroll when he went into business for himself selling security systems. Unlike the President, Bill understands that real business is based on an optimist view of the future, not on how much money a business can borrow.
In 2001, Bill and his wife Susan moved home to Meridian, Mississippi to care for his elderly mother. In 2008, Bill ran for the Mississippi House of Representatives District 82 to replace Representative Charles Young after Rep. Young passed away. Bill finished second in a field of five candidates and was endorsed during the race by Governor Haley Barbour, Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant, both United States Senators for Mississippi and five other statewide elected officials.
After Barack Obama was elected and sworn in as President of The United States, Bill was convinced like many others that the Liberal Agenda Obama immediately began pursuing was the wrong direction for our Country. He watched time and again as President Obama began to push for bailouts, takeovers and czars and he knew he could not sit on the sidelines and do nothing. In the summer of 2009, he was encouraged to learn that a local group had created a Tea Party and he actively sought ways to participate in their rallies and meetings. He and his wife supported Tea Party efforts to get signatures on a petition to put a Voter Id Ballot Initiative on the 2011 ballot in Mississippi and celebrated with them in February 2010 when the petition effort was successful.
It has become clear that Representative Bennie Thompson needs to be replaced. Rep. Thompson has a blind allegiance to the Liberal Agenda pushed by President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The policies of the Liberal establishment have kept America’s poor in a perpetual state of slavery and encouraged a plantation mentality to the point that almost half of America now votes for who can “give” them the most instead of those who can actually help them the most.
Bill Marcy knows that free market principles and encouraging small businesses to grow and hire more employees will bring jobs and self-respect back to the forgotten and almost lost generation of poor whites and blacks who’ve been raised to believe that Government only exists to provide for them from cradle to grave. Democrats have survived far too long crushing self-determination and rugged individualism by giving token handouts and demanding loyalty in the form of votes in return.
The results of these “experiments” in Progressivism have been devastating for America and in particular for Mississippi. Bill is amazed that the Democratic Party (the party of slavery, segregation and bigotry) has been so successful in pulling the wool over the eyes of so many for so long recasting themselves as the “Party of The Little Man”. Bill wants something better for Mississippi’s future. Bill knows that we can do better. Bill also knows that in the heart of every man, woman and child in District 2 beats the heart of a championship fighter, but that they need to be reminded of the benefits of hard work, their own excellence and their own abilities. Education is part of the issue, but another part is regaining our own self-respect.
More than ever, it’s time for Mississippi’s People to demand more from their elected officials than they’ve been getting. Not in terms of what can be given or handed out, but rather in terms of helping to show the way toward accomplishing one’s own dreams through determination, hard work and personal achievement. Bill Marcy is a cheerleader for the spirit of the individual and for the success that comes from accomplishing the impossible. As a successful businessman and as a family man, Bill Marcy has found his own way to reach his dreams and he believes that every citizen in this Country is due the same opportunity. Bill Marcy believes that when the human spirit is unleashed and Government gets out of the way, amazing, unbelievable results will follow.
Bill Marcy is an enthusiastic supporter of our Capitalistic system and he knows that the backbone of our Country’s economy is made up of millions of small businesses owners who are struggling the most right now. He understands just like they do that you can’t spend what you don’t have. He knows that they believe Government is too big and too wasteful. He knows how hard each one of these businesspeople work to earn enough money to pay the rent, make payroll, pay their taxes and perhaps make a little profit. He also knows exactly how they feel when they see their earnings taken away in greater and greater amounts and then wasted by elected officials in their efforts to be re-elected.
Bennie Thompson has become entrenched in Washington D.C. and has been seduced by the money and power and estranged to the People of Mississippi. Bennie Thompson represents only one person in Congress: himself. Bill Marcy believes it is time for a return of honest representation of all the people of Mississippi. Bill Marcy believes it is time for Bennie to change his address.
The People of Mississippi have tried to communicate with Bennie, but Bennie has turned a deaf ear. The People have consistently voiced their opinion that they are against the socialist agenda of the current administration, but Bennie has consistently voted to take away our Freedoms, our Treasure and our Pursuit of Happiness. Bill Marcy believes the time has come for the People of Mississippi’s District 2 to send Bennie Thompson a message he can’t ignore. It’s time to send Bennie a pink slip.
Bill knows that this will be an uphill battle. Bennie has a huge war chest of money: donations from vested interests protecting the Liberal Agenda. Bennie may be a Goliath, but Bill is ready to face the challenge, but he cannot do it alone. Bill Marcy needs your vote, your support and your time. Donate to the campaign right here on this website. Volunteer to knock on doors or pass out literature. Talk to your friends and relatives about supporting this campaign. We can do this together.
Mississippi Deserves Better Than Bennie.
Mississippi Deserves Bill Marcy For Congress.
Bill Marcy is the author of two books: “The Brainwashing of the American Black Child“ and “Don’t Let Me Confuse You With The Truth“. Click the links to purchase either book on Amazon.com.
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