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  Gibbons, Rex
NameRex Gibbons
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada
Born 00, 1946 (79 years)
Last ModifedCampari_007
Dec 21, 2020 03:28pm
InfoRex is a patriotic Newfoundlander and Labradorian, very committed to helping provide absolutely the best government for our province. As MHA for St. John's West from 1989 to 1997, Rex contributed tremendously to public life. His leadership skills were respected and admired as he took on the role of Minister responsible for Mines and Energy, including other Natural Resource sectors, for about two years during that same period.

In May, 2007, Liberal Leader Gerry Reid asked Rex to be the 2007 provincial election’s campaign chair. Rex took on the challenge in early June during the provincial Liberal convention in Gander.

It has since been a time of again immersing in provincial politics after a decade of non-involvement. Out of government since 1997, Rex has admittedly never been able to get rid of the political bug. As he puts it "... frankly, I believe it is pretty well incurable."

Many people have been delighted to see Rex back on the political scene and have suggested that he place his name back on the ballot for October 9th. The two districts that would have interested him were already taken by two excellent Liberal candidates – George Joyce in St. John’s West and Winston Carter in Bonavista North. A native of Lumsden in Bonavista North, Rex, and his wife Marge, who is from Cape Freels, cherish the times they spend "down home" every year.

In recent days, the opportunity to seek a seat arose when one of the Party’s potential candidates for St. John's South was not able to run. Rex jumped at the chance and filed his nomination papers on Saturday, September 29th, 2007.

"I now offer myself to the voters of St. John's South - as I did in 1989 to the voters of St. John's West. If elected, I commit to put all my abilities into serving them and this province as well as I am able. The outcome in 1989 was a surprise to everyone, especially the incumbent Minister at the time.

"On October 9th, I invite the voters of St. John's South to surprise the pundits again, and return me to the House of Assembly."



Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  10/09/2007 NL House of Assembly - St. John's South Lost 8.70% (-70.90%)
  06/02/1997 NF Parliament - St. John's West Lost 37.08% (-6.99%)
  02/22/1996 NF House of Assembly - St. John's West Won 64.36% (+38.82%)
  05/03/1993 NF House of Assembly - St. John's West Won 48.24% (+9.49%)
NL Liberal Party Leader - Aug 03, 2020 LIB John Abbott