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  Bush, Pauline Robinson "Robin"
NamePauline Robinson "Robin" Bush
Midland, Texas , United States
Born December 20, 1949
DiedOctober 11, 1953 (3 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedNYDem Junior
Nov 14, 2008 09:53am
InfoPauline Robinson Bush (December 20, 1949, in Compton, California-October 11, 1953 in Connecticut) was the second child of George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush and the younger sister of George W. Bush. Named after her maternal grandmother and nicknamed Robin, she died of leukemia at the age of three. She was initially buried in Connecticut but was reburied in 2000 at the Texas A&M University site which is intended for her parents.

Robin Bush was born in Compton, California, a suburb of Los Angeles, toward the end of the six months her family spent there. Her father was working for Dresser Industries, selling oil-drilling equipment. Their apartment, at 624 South Santa Fe Avenue, has since been demolished.

Effect of death on George W. Bush according to Justin Frank
Main article: Bush on the Couch
Psychoanalyst Justin Frank discusses the impact of Robin's death on George W. Bush, and hence on the world, in Bush on the Couch. He argues that Robin's death and the way the family handled it greatly affected her elder brother's personal development. Thus, despite Robin's short life, Frank believes that she had a major impact on the world both through her father and through her older brother.

At the time she became ill, Robin was the future president's only sibling (Jeb Bush was born before she died) and a favorite playmate. His parents never told him that she was sick, although he was asked to stop playing with her when she became weak. Only after her death did they disclose to him her illness, which had lasted longer than doctors expected it to and had led the Bushes on a frantic quest back East to find a specialist who could treat her. These efforts kept them away from their son for long stretches of time, and he was not present when Robin died nor was he permitted to attend her burial.

President George Herbert Walker Bush and his wife Barbara were married on January 06, 1945. Their first child, a boy, named George Walker Bush was born a few short years later. On December 20, 1949, a daughter, Pauline Robinson Bush was born. They called her Robin. In 1950, Mr. Bush moved his family to west Texas to a town called Midland. Jeb, the next son was only a few weeks old when Mrs. Bush noticed something strange in her daughter. Robin woke one morning and was undecided as to what to do. She stated that she might just lie on the grass and watch the cars go by or maybe just stay in bed. Mrs. Bush noticed that this was strange behavior for a three year old. She took her to Dr. Dorothy Wyvell to be examined and had blood drawn. Dr. Wyvell told Mrs. Bush to bring Mr. Bush back the next day, but to leave Robin at home. They were told that Robin had leukemia. The doctor advised them to take her home an to let her quietly slip away while keeping her comfortable and loving her. Mr. Bush was unwilling to give up that quickly. He called his uncle, Dr. John Walker, at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York City. They left Midland and took Robin to the hospital for treatment. The Bush's stayed at the Walker's apartment on Sutton Place in New York off and on until October 1953 when Robin passed away. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bush was by her side. There was no funeral, as the Bush's had signed papers giving Robin's body to research hoping that a cure could be found for such a horrible disease. One day in New York Mr. Bush's father asked Mrs. Bush to go with him to the cemetery in Greenwich. Putnam Cemetery was on a hillside with trees, and he had picked out a headstone that had BUSH engraved in it. That was where little Robin was laid to rest. However, in the year 2000 Robin was moved to the future final resting place of President George H.W.Bush and Former First lady Barbara Bush. Her headstone is toward the back of the small cemetery. The little gravesite is beautiful, surrounded by trees, with the lovely sound of birds all around. The Presidential Seal is just inside the gate made of marble and set in cement. This is on the Texas A&M University Campus where the Presidential library is located.

Cause of death: Leukemia at age 3

George Bush Presidential Library and Museum
College Station
Brazos County
Texas, USA

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Father George H. W. Bush 1924-2018
Grandfather Prescott Sheldon Bush 1895-1972
Uncle Prescott S. Bush, Jr. 1922-2010
Grandmother Dorothy Walker Bush 1901-1992
Great-Grandfather George H. "Bert" Walker 1875-1953
Grand Uncle George Herbert Walker, Jr. 1905-1977
1st Cousin Once Removed George Herbert "Bert" Walker, III 1931-2020
Grand Uncle John Mercer Walker Sr. 1909-1990
1st Cousin Once Removed John Mercer Walker, Jr. 1940-
Grand Uncle Louis Walker 1912-2001
1st Cousin Once Removed Dorothy Walker Stapleton 1946-
2nd Cousin Walker Stapleton 1974-
Brother George W. Bush 1946-
Niece Jenna Welch Bush Hager 1981-
Niece Barbara Pierce Bush 1981-
Brother Jeb Bush 1953-
Nephew George P. Bush 1976-
Nephew Jeb Bush, Jr. 1983-
Brother Neil Mallon Bush 1955-
Niece Lauren Bush Lauren 1984-
Nephew Pierce Mallon Bush 1986-
Brother Marvin Pierce Bush 1956-
Sister Dorothy "Doro" Bush Koch 1959-
Mother Barbara Bush 1925-2018
Grandfather Marvin Pierce 1893-1969
Uncle James Robinson Pierce 1922-1993
1st Cousin Margaret "Peggy" Peters 0000-