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  Arnesen, Deborah "Arnie"
NameDeborah "Arnie" Arnesen
Orford, New Hampshire , United States
Website [Link]
Born October 01, 1953 (71 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Feb 05, 2016 04:54am
InfoArnie Arnesen has been a fixture on the political and media landscape of New Hampshire for over two decades. She began her political career in 1984 when she was elected to the New Hampshire Constitutional Convention. Shortly thereafter she was elected as a Democrat to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, where she served 8 years. She received national recognition from the Council of State Governments in 1990. She was awarded the Council's Toll Fellowship, which recognizes the 30 best and brightest emerging leaders in the nation from all three branches of state government. Arnie was also named in 1990, the Environmentalist of the Year by the NH Sierra Club, Citizen of the Year by the NH Association of Social Workers and a Visiting Scholar in Public Health by Harvard University. In 1992 Arnesen became the first female major party nominee for Governor in state history. Although losing the election to Steve Merrill (John Sununu's former Attorney General), she received more votes for Governor than any Democrat in state history up to that time.

Between campaigns Arnie taught Political Science at New England College, ran the Wiss Institute for Public Policy Research and was elected to the National Board of Common Cause. In 1996 Arnesen was the Democratic nominee for Congress and lost to the pro choice Republican incumbent, Charles Bass. In 1997 she was recognized for her political contributions and leadership by Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and was awarded one of six Fellowships to the Institute of Politics. In a recent publication (2006) by the Kennedy School entitled Skirting Tradition, Arnie was chosen to be one of 27 women featured in the book about politics and women. Arnie has been a key political speaker for every class of Leadership NH since it's inception in 1993 and is regularly sought out by Leadership programs across the state. In 2006 Arnie was chosen to join 8 members of the national media to tour Israel and the Palestinian territories and during the month of April 2006, Arnie worked on Katrina recovery projects in New Orleans.

Before, during and after these political interruptions she managed to pursue her real passion – talk radio. In 2000, Talkers Magazine recognized her and her co-host as one of the 100 most powerful talk show hosts in America. Most of her stints were in AM talk but she also did a point-counterpoint show on Public Radio with Charlie Arlinghaus, at that time the State Republican Chair. Her radio programs have covered the landscape of NH and she has been recognized as the Air Personality of the Year in 2004 and 2005 by the NH Association of Broadcasters. Arnie can still be heard every Friday on WKBK radio in Keene, is a regular political analyst on Iowa public radio and a guest host on Air America.

Arnie now has an active TV career. Today she is the producer and Host of NH's newest political show, Political Chowder which airs on WZMY TV every Sunday morning at 11am and can be seen across the state on 28 public access stations. Before Political Chowder Arnie hosted another political talk show, Capital Ideas on WNDS TV. It was the highest rated political talk show in the state and the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters selected it as the top talk show in the state in 2003. She also is a regular analyst on New England Cable News and occasionally appears on Diplomatic Immunity and The Agenda on TV Ontario. As the political primary heats up, so does her national stage. If the past is any indication you may catch her as a political analyst on MSNBC' Hardball,
C-SPAN, CNN, TV Australia and FOX.

In addition to the radio and TV, Arnie has had a bi-weekly column in the Boston Globe, is a regular speaker at major academic institutions, including Harvard, Dartmouth, UNH, Franklin Pierce, New England College, Southern NH University, and Vermont Law School and is regularly sought out by local and national press to comment on the evolving political landscape. In the past year Arnie has been quoted in many of the nation's and the state's leading newspapers and such magazines as the Economist and Newsweek. Her comments regularly appear on Hotline.com.


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  11/05/1996 NH District 2 Lost 43.46% (-7.03%)
  09/10/1996 NH District 2 - D Primary Won 88.69% (+78.28%)
  09/10/1996 NH District 2 - R Primary Lost 0.53% (-65.60%)
  11/03/1992 NH Governor Lost 39.95% (-16.07%)
  09/08/1992 NH Governor - D Primary Won 47.83% (+20.44%)
  09/08/1992 NH Governor - R Primary Lost 0.86% (-51.95%)
  09/08/1992 NH Governor - LBT Primary Lost 1.43% (-75.27%)
  11/06/1990 NH State House - Grafton 07 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)