Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Rosezina Joyce "rJo" Winch |
Address | Hartford, Connecticut , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
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Contributor | RMF |
Last Modifed | RBH Jun 26, 2009 11:50pm |
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Info | Councilwoman Winch is a product of her neighborhood. She began her elementary education at Kensella and graduated from Northwest Jones Elementary School. She is a 1971 graduate from Hartford Public High School. She received her Associates Degree from the Community College of the Air Force and BA, form the University of Hartford in fields of Humans Services and Organizational Leadership.
rJo, which she prefers to be called, is the shortened version of Rosezina Joyce, transformed to look more like a symbol than to be grammatically correct. She is the first of eight children born to Prenzina Holloway. She is also the first of her sibling to enlist in the Armed Forces. Her choice; the United States Air Force in June of 1976, where she continued to serve until her retirement in June 1999. She is the mother of Shaquasia Marie Goldsby who in 2006 also became a graduate of Hartford Public High School.
Councilwoman Winch, a decorated, retired, Air Force Master Sergeant and Master Military Training Instructor is the recipient of several awards and medals: Noncommissioned Officer Academy Distinguished Graduate, two (2) Air Force Meritorious Service Awards, Air Force Commendation Medal, National Defense Meritorious Service Award, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Award, and Marksmanship. While serving the citizens of Hartford she has also received several community awards: Upper Albany Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Unsung Hero Award, Permanency of Women Commission Award, 2002 United Technologies Corporation Volunteer of the year and National Women’s Historical Month Award where she was honored for her contributions to making history in local government. She is the first Democrat to serve the City of Hartford as its Majority Leader under the new charter and in 2007 it was she who was selected by the Greater Hartford Urban League as their Community Service Leader of the Year.
She is a strong advocate for the youth and believes everyone should do their part to positively influence their future. She does her part by getting involved in her community, being a foster parent, and encouraging Hartford’s youth to get hip to their surroundings and get a grip on their lives, through her public access TV broadcast “Get Hip & Get a Grip” viewed in Hartford on Channel 21. She is a published author of three (3) books: “Welcome Home”, co-authored by her daughter Shaquasia Marie, “Loving One Man” and “LimeLight”.
As the Chair of the City’s Labor and Workforce Development Committee, Councilwoman Winch has Hartford’s youth at the forefront of her focus. She has her sights set on Hartford’s economic future and she has the wheels in motion to directly affect youth workforce engagement and early workforce preparation. As a step in this direction, she was instrumental in creating Hartford’s 1st Fire Cadet Program which enables Hartford youth to be trained and skilled in fire methodology, creating a means for future Hartford resident Firemen and Firewomen. As the Region 1, Director for National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials, her responsibilities include ensuring not only Black elected officials but all local elected officials, are abreast of issues facing the Black community and employ their assistance to help resolve them. She believes to have successful and thriving communities they must be inclusive. Thus, she authored a resolution which was passed in 2006 by the Hartford city council to deem Hartford as a city of inclusiveness.
Through her work on the Education Committee she is committed to influencing Hartford’s school system to educate for the purpose of workforce preparation to afford Hartford youth opportunities for economic stability and growth when college is not their immediate choice upon high school graduation. She believes in Hartford. She believes in our youth and she shows it through her works.
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