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  Richardson, Barbara
NameBarbara Richardson
, New Mexico , United States
Born Unknown
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedMadViking
Mar 02, 2007 09:53pm
InfoBarbara Richardson was raised in Concord, Massachusetts. She received an Associate of Arts degree from Colby Junior College and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wheaton College in Massachusetts, graduating magna cum laude.

The First Lady and her husband, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, lived in Washington, D.C. during his tenure as U. S. Congressman and as Secretary of Energy under the Clinton administration, and in New York City while the Governor served as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. They have always considered Santa Fe as their home, however.

Mrs. Richardson served as 2003 Chair for Read Across America in New Mexico and for the past four years as statewide chair of Big Brothers/Big Sisters First Lady’s Bowl for Kids Sake. Because of her interest in the issue of domestic violence, she was instrumental in the formation of the Governor’s Domestic Violence Advisory Board, serving as its Chairman, and in the establishment of the Office of Domestic Violence Czar. In addition, through her leadership as Honorary Chair for the New Mexico Immunization Coalition, she helped move New Mexico from a ranking of 49th in 2002 to 15th in 2005 in the number of children immunized. New Mexico recently earned a national award from the Center for Disease Control as the state with the most improved immunization record.

With literacy as another area of interest, Mrs. Richardson was responsible for the donation by Disney Corporation and Baby Einstein Corporation of 20,000 Baby Einstein educational videos to low income New Mexican families, as well as 5,000 new books from Scholastic Books for a southside Santa Fe elementary school and 500 books for the University of New Mexico Children’s Hospital Pediatric Clinic. The First Lady is an active supporter of the New Mexico Coalition for Literacy and served as Honorary Chairman of Heifer International’s Read to Feed Program in New Mexico for the 2005-2006 school year.

As a longtime supporter of Big Brothers Big Sisters, Mrs. Richardson initiated the First Lady’s Bowl for Kids’ Sake Challenge for state employees which has raised more than $150,000 over the past four years.

She has formerly served as a member of the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum’s Education Committee, as a board member of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Santa Fe and as program coordinator for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Richardson’s interests include gardening, reading and antiques.



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