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  Burns, John A.
NameJohn A. Burns
Honolulu, Hawai'i , United States
Born March 30, 1909
DiedApril 05, 1975 (66 years)
ContributorWishful Thinking
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Mar 16, 2024 01:04am
Tags Catholic -
InfoDelegate from the Territory of Hawaii; born in Fort Assinneboine, Mont., March 30, 1909; resident of Hawaii since May 30, 1913; attended school in Honolulu and Kansas; attended the University of Hawaii in 1930 and 1931; police officer, city and county of Honolulu, 1934-1945; chairman, Traffic Safety Commission, city and county of Honolulu, 1950-1954; president of Burns & Co., Ltd., real-estate broker; Honolulu Civil Defense Administrator 1951-1955; delegate to the Democratic National Conventions in 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, and 1968; chairman of Honolulu County Democratic Committee 1948-1952; chairman of Territorial Democratic Central Committee 1952-1956; elected as a Democrat a Delegate to the Eighty-fifth and to the Eighty-sixth Congresses and served from January 3, 1957, to August 21, 1959, when Hawaii became a State in the Union; unsuccessful candidate for election as U.S. Senator in 1959; real-estate broker; elected Governor, State of Hawaii, in 1962, and reelected in 1966 and 1970; died in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 5, 1975; interment in Punchbowl National Cemetery.

As the man who presided over Hawaii's transformation from a backwater territory to a vital Pacific crossroads and 50th state, John Burns is likely the most important political figure of the latter half of the 20th century here in the islands.

Burns was a curious combination of gaunt, ascetic priest and bare-knuckles backroom brawler, a troubled kid who didn't graduate from high school until his 20s but spent millions on higher education, a firm father figure whose own father deserted the family, a man in the most prominent position in the islands who also shunned the spotlight, a former vice cop who had seen the worst of human behavior and become an ardent champion of civil and social rights, a public figure who despised public speaking, a white man embraced by other races, a card-carrying Hawaii Democrat when Democrats weren't cool, an autocrat who was a friend of labor, a devout Catholic who attended church every day and yet presided over Hawaii's legalization of abortion -- in other words, a conflicted politician and a man of his own times.

Burns passed away on April 5, 1975, 25 years ago, a short time after completing his third term as Hawaii's governor. He had actually retired early in October of 1973, due to illness. He was only 66, and never really got a chance to retire.


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Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

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Importance? 8.25000 Average


  11/03/1970 HI Governor Won 57.65% (+15.29%)
  10/03/1970 HI Governor - D Primary Won 53.23% (+8.54%)
  11/08/1966 HI Governor Won 51.06% (+2.12%)
  10/01/1966 HI Governor - D Primary Won 79.49% (+58.98%)
  11/06/1962 HI Governor Won 58.32% (+16.63%)
  10/06/1962 HI Governor - D Primary Won 90.19% (+80.38%)
  07/28/1959 HI Governor Lost 48.66% (-2.45%)
  06/27/1959 HI Governor - D Primary Won 89.83% (+79.66%)
  11/04/1958 HI Delegate At-Large Won 54.32% (+9.49%)
  11/06/1956 HI Delegate At-Large Won 55.18% (+10.37%)
  11/02/1954 HI Delegate At-Large Lost 49.68% (-0.64%)
  11/02/1948 HI Delegate At-Large Lost 24.76% (-50.48%)