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  Olson, Mary A.
NameMary A. Olson
Bemidji, Minnesota , United States
Website [Link]
Born May 23, 1958 (66 years)
ContributorThe Oncoming Storm
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Feb 14, 2024 07:07pm
Tags Air Force -
I am married to John, also a Bemidji native, who is a salesman/vendor for Kraft Pizza Company. We have four adult children. Our youngest daughter, Annalise Aakhus, is a music major and sophomore at Bemidji State University. John M. Olson is a member of the Army National Guard and works in Bemidji. Michelle Olson currently lives and works in Colorado and Alyson Aakhus lives and works in Minneapolis. our newest family member is grandson, Alex John Olson. My parents, Peter and Marilyn Gandrud, and John's mother Ellis (formerly Mrs. John Olson) and her husband, Don LaVoy, live in the Bemidji area.

I attended Carr Lake School and graduated from Bemidji High School. After a year at Concordia College, I transferred to the University of North Dakota and in 1980 graduated magna cum laude, with degrees in English and Journalism. In 1983, I received my Juris Doctorate with distinction, from the University of North Dakota School of Law. I am licensed to practice law in Minnesota and in Federal District and Appellate Courts.

Professional Experience
As an undergraduate, I worked for the Minnesota Migrant Council and was a foster parent. My first job as an attorney was in a general practice office in Karlstad, Minnesota, a small farming community in the Northwest corner of the state.

(1985 - 1989) I served as an attorney with the United States Air Force, stationed at March Air Force Base in California, achieving the rank of Captain. While in the military, I was the legal advisor to a regional medical center, supervised the claims staff at the base, and prosecuted and defended criminal cases. When I was discharged from active duty, I received a commendation medal citing me for achieving one of the Air Force's best trial records.

(1989 - 2001) I returned to Minnesota, worked as an Assistant Crow Wing County attorney and then joined private practice. As a partner and co-owner of Raboin & Aakhus Olson Law Offices in Brainerd (with a satellite office in Bemidji), I helped injured people in Northcentral Minnesota obtain fair treatment and medical care. I also was one of the few attorneys in this part of the state to routinely represent victims of discrimination and sexual abuse.

(2001 - present) My family and I returned to Bemidji where I have continued to practice law. Most recently, I have limited my practice to employment/discrimination consulting work to allow more time for community and public involvement, such as the Senate race.

Other Personal Information
As a child, my family and I were active members of First Lutheran Church, Bemidji. While living in the Brainerd area, I attended the Lord of Life Church in Baxter, where I served on the building committee and as a children's choir director and confirmation teacher. When we returned to Bemidji, my husband and I joined his family church, Calvary Lutheran.

While raising my children, I was active with SERTOMA and ZONTA (civic organizations), the Minnesota Consumer alliance, local bar associations and as a high school Mock Trial Coach. Recently, I was part of a group of area volunteers who organized local Katrina relief efforts.

I enjoy fishing on Big Bass Lake and hunting with my husband on the land his grandparents farmed south of Bemidji. My husband and I also like to walk with our dogs on the Paul Bunyan Trail. Ever since my 4-H days, I've been active with horses and also enjoy skiing and playing softball.


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  11/07/2006 MN State Senate 04 Won 52.10% (+4.26%)
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