Affiliation | Green |
Name | Daniel Sumrall |
Address | , Connecticut , United States |
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Website | None |
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Contributor | Monsieur |
Last Modifed | MadViking Nov 23, 2006 07:39pm |
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Info | Daniel Sumrall was born Sept. 3, 1976 in Ft. Riley, Kansas. Daniel was raised in the culture of enlisted soldiers. His grandfather, Herbert Banik, served in the US Navy and fought in World War II. His father, Philip Sumrall, began his military career with three tours of duty in Vietnam, fought during the conflict in Panama, and retired after the first Gulf War as a Master Sergeant. His mother, Kathleen, also served briefly in the US Army and currently works as a civilian at Ft. McCoy near Sparta, Wisconsin. Recently his younger sister, Mary Ann, returned from a tour in Iraq as a Reservist and has settled in Ohio.
In 1999, Daniel graduated from Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin with a B.A. (Philosophy & Literature). In 2003 he earned a Masters of Fine Arts in Poetry from the University of Notre Dame. Later that year, he and his partner, Michelle Casey, moved to Blacksburg, Virginia where she began work on her Masters of Science in Geology. In 2005 Michelle was accepted to the PhD program in Geology at Yale University, and Daniel became an adjunct instructor in English Literature and Composition at Manchester Community College in Manchester, CT.
Since the age of 16 Daniel has worked. His first job was in the meat department at the downtown grocery where he cleaned up after the butchers. After high school Daniel worked to put himself through his first year of college. Once in college Daniel never left; he stayed summers to work as part of the maintenance and event staff in order to have money to continue to pay for his education.
While at Carthage College Daniel became president of the school's Amnesty International chapter and was a founding member of a gender activism/awareness group called Stingray. When he graduated in 1999 he went to work for WisPIRG, the Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group, canvassing throughout Wisconsin in an effort to raise citizen awareness about loopholes in federal law that allowed SUVs to pollute more and not live up to fuel economy standards.
Since 2000 Daniel has taught at a variety of levels and in several locations. At the Calvin Academy in Mounds View, Minnesota he worked one-on-one with teenaged students who had been given up on by the public school system due to their emotional, behavioral, or learning disabilities. Daniel has worked as a substitute teacher at all grade levels in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Virginia. While working for the local public schools in Virginia Daniel was also an instructor at ECPI Technical College, a vocational institution. Upon his arrival here in the great state of Connecticut Daniel was able to secure a job teaching at the largest community college in the state, Manchester Community College in Manchester, CT.
Aside from his commitment to helping others communicate more effectively, Daniel is also a published author. Daniel has had his poetry and literary criticism published in over forty print and online journals.
Michelle & Daniel have made New Haven their home, and Daniel feels that it is every citizen's responsibility to serve the public good. Thus, Daniel began attending meetings of the New Haven Peace Commission in November of 2005 and became an official member this year. His passion for social justice and his personal ethic of non-violence have found an excellent outlet through the work of the Peace Commission. Currently, the NH Peace Commission is striving to make sure the City of New Haven is part of the socially responsible investment movement, to secure the human rights of all immigrants, and to guarantee the safety of all our neighbors in each of our neighborhoods.
The trauma of war has colored the relationships of everyone in Daniel's family for the better in some cases but for the worst in most. Daniel believes in an immediate though deliberate withdrawal from Iraq. He believes that crime and social inequality can only be remedied through access to social mobility, which means targeted education reform, better wages, and worker protections. He is pro-citizenship and will work tirelessly to prevent immigrants from being forced into social and economic second-class status.
Most importantly, Daniel stands on no pretence. He neither cowers nor stands stubbornly defiant. At all times Daniel Sumrall will weigh what is right and just with what is desired and needed by his constituents, his friends, and neighbors to make the truest decision.
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