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  Gizenga, Antoine
AffiliationUnified Lumumbist  
<-  2006-01-01  
NameAntoine Gizenga
, , Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Born October 05, 1925
DiedFebruary 24, 2019 (93 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Oct 05, 2019 04:33pm
InfoHe was born in 1925, in the Rep. Dem. of the Congo. Politician. Early partner of Lumumba. After the murder of Lumumba, on March 31, 1961 he is nominated as President of the Rep. Democr. of the Congo, in Kisangani, government that tries to finish with the government of Kisangani.

On August 5, 1961, Belgian troops and European mercenaries finish with this government. Three years later, after the comeback to the country of Pierre Mulele, the leventamiento begins against the government of Mobutu, with the intention of establishing a socialistic republic. In a few months they do under control of the half of the territory and August 4, 1964.

Again, the intervention of planes USA, Belgian troops and mercenaries of different countries, avoid the creation of a socialistic diet in ancient Congo Belga. In 1964 it founds Parti Lumumbiste, Unifié (PALU) of which he is elected a General Secretary.

After an offence on his life, in 1966, he goes into exile, residing for almost 20 years in different countries (Mali, USSR, France, Angola...). In 1986, after being set free in Brazzaville, where he had been an arrested and imprisoned, it begins his political activity again at the head of the PALU first in opposition to Mobutu, and later, being chased by his long time partner of war and President of Congo, Laurent-Désiré Kabila.


At 80 years old, Antoine Gizenga is the oldest of the candidates. For 45 years he kept alive the political legacy of Patrice Lumumba, the country's first elected premier.

He served as deputy prime minister during the post-independence period in 1960 and since then has led the Unified (Palu) Lumumbist Party.

Between 1962 and 1965 Mr Gizenga was imprisoned on several occasions and he then lived in exile from 1965 to 1992.

Based in the provinces of Kinshasa, Bandundu and Bas-Congo, Mr Gizenga's Unified Lumumbist Party (Palu) is the only party besides Mr Kabila's platform that can count on support in all 11 provinces.

He says he is seeking to provide the country with a legitimate government based on the model set by Patrice Lumumba.


Antoine Gizenga (b. 5 October 1925) is a Congolese (DRC) politician.

Gizenga served as Deputy Prime Minister (1960, 1961-1962), Prime Minister (1960-1961), and Head of State (1961) in rebellion. His government at Stanleyville was recognized by 21 African, Asian, and Eastern European countries in February 1961. He was imprisoned from January 1962 to July 1964 and again from October 1964 to November 1965. He was exiled from 1965 to 1992.

Gizenga fashions his platform off Independence Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, for whom he served as Deputy Prime Minister and after Lumumba's death as head of the exile government. He was the presidential candidate of the Unified Lumumbist Party (Parti Lumumbiste Unifié (PALU)) in the 2006 elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According to the provisional election results of 20th August, Gizenga came in third place with 13.06 percent of the vote, after Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba.

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