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  Farrell, David
NameDavid Farrell
, Nova Scotia , Canada
Born Unknown
Last ModifedMonsieur
Jun 07, 2006 07:42pm
InfoDavid Farrell is a relative newcomer to the province of Nova Scotia, having lived in Central Canada for a great number of years where he practiced journalism and operated an independent marketing and sales consultancy firm.

The decision to move east to Nova Scotia was largely fueled by his appreciation of the province’s physical beauty and a long-held love of the sea and ocean-sailing.

Politics and the environment have always played a central role in David Farrell’s life, even if he was not participatory in any specific organizations. A natural born respect for eco-systems, economic and environmental sustainability and small town values were instilled in him as a child by his parents and his early years living on Vancouver Island. Watching the gradual but steady asphalting of farm lands in Southern Ontario, as Toronto’s suburbs expanded and then linked to dormitory towns, had a profound affect on him and his family. The rampant growth proved fodder for many lively debates around the kitchen table with three inquiring teenaged boys who have themselves become ardent ecologists.

The basic principles of the Green Party are very much in keeping with David Farrell’s own core value system. “I have witnessed the decline of the fish stocks on the Atlantic coast, felt the suffering and understood the sense of wounded pride and desperation that many small fishing port communities now face.

“The ugly reality of uncompromising greed, short-term planning and a blatant disrespect for the future have impoverished a province once rich in natural resources; and what I hear from the other political parties is a future filled with illusory promises and low-value employment opportunities. The aims and ideals of the Green Party offer a beacon of hope for change and this is why I have put my hat in the ring today.

“I remember a day when fishing trawlers came back into port in Lunenburg accompanied by a squabble of shrieking seagulls as fisherman threw the fish guts from the sterns of their gaily painted boats. Today, Lunenburg hopes the tourists will return, the sound of the gulls is missing, and the fish stocks are all but a memory of times past. Lunenburg now relies on tourism, as does much of the province today and this is a sad reality and an even sadder legacy born out of blatant political incompetence.

“The prosperity that was is no more and it will take sharp minds, vivid imaginations and visionary individuals to nurture a new economy for this province’s proud and industrious people. I believe the province’s youth deserves more than short-term work in coffee shops and call centers. I don’t have a sense of any profound economic vision espoused by the other 3 parties, and the leaders all seem pretty set in the old-school style politics. The Green Party is attractive to me because it is young, it is populated by vibrant and energetic people and it has long-term goals that are grounded in economic reality; not puffed up, polished pollster platforms that are more glib than substantive.”

“Pushing off or avoiding the major issues of the day relating to demography, globalization and fiscal planning have been pushed to the limit. We need to change the course of our destiny. The Green Party offers to address issues that the other parties avoid.”


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  06/13/2006 NS House of Assembly - Preston Lost 1.86% (-40.27%)