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  Bagley, Rick
NameRick Bagley
Murphy, North Carolina , United States
Born Unknown
ContributorJoshua L.
Last ModifedJoshua L.
May 13, 2006 09:56pm
InfoThe Bagley roots in WNC started in the early 40's. My dad was employed by TVA in Clay County while Chatuge Dam and Hiwassee Dam were under construction. Daddy went off to WW2, married my Mom in 1944, and I was born in May, 1945 in south Alabama while my dad was in the military. When I was just a few months old, we moved to Hiwassee Dam, and I attended Hiwassee Dam Elementary and High Schools, graduating in 1962 as Valedictorian.

I attended one year at Western Carolina University (1962-1963) in Cullowhee North Carolina and then transferred to Georgia State University in Atlanta where I received undergraduate and graduate degrees in business administration. I worked my way through graduate school, having begun my Southern Bell career in 1966.

Immediately upon completing graduate school, I received a direct commission as a finance officer in the U.S. Army. My first year was at Ft. Lee, Virginia. Subsequent military orders directed me to South Vietnam, but were changed at the last minute for me to spend 1970 in South Korea.

My first duty was as a finance officer for Eighth US Army in Seoul where I worked on military budgets involving hundreds of millions of dollars. Second assignment was deputy finance officer at I Corps in Uijongbu in South Korea until my discharge in December, 1970.

I returned to my Southern Bell career where I was an auditor and subsequently ran the Data Processing Center in Charlotte, then to Atlanta for a number of assignments. Always in the finance area, my 23 year at BellSouth/Southern Bell culminated with my developing the risk management department at BellSouth Corporation. In that role, I designed insurance and risk management programs to protect the $30,000,000,000 plus asset base of BellSouth, Southern Bell, and South Central Bell. It is correct to say that I have many years of experience in working with HUGE, HUGE fiscal and budgetary matters.

I left BellSouth Corporation in 1989 to develop my own financial services practice where I have worked for 16 years in retirement, estate, and charitable planning. The culmination of my professional financial career occurred in 2003 when I earned the CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter) designation, the highest credential in my field. I have had numerous leadership roles throughout my career, including deacon and elder at previous churches, President of both a Condominium Association and a Homeowner’s Association. Member of numerous charitable boards, including Georgia Easter Seals, Children’s Wish Foundation, Boy Scouts. Currently on the finance committee and a member of Murphy First United Methodist Church, member and Paul Harris Fellow at Murphy Rotary Club. Married to Elaine, with two children, Molly and Christopher. Molly will make me a proud grandfather in January, but I will make time for the Senate!!

Community activities include grassroots work on senior housing, environmental matters, education funding through charitable vehicles, drug prevention by working with youth and author a weekly guest newspaper column “Views from PoorHouse Mountain” in The Cherokee Scout which has been used to rally widespread support for numerous community betterment ideas.



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  05/02/2006 NC State Senate 50 - R Primary Lost 5.74% (-38.15%)