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  Ledford, Sue Lynn
NameSue Lynn Ledford
Murphy, North Carolina , United States
Born Unknown
ContributorJoshua L.
Last ModifedJoshua L.
May 13, 2006 09:53pm
InfoSue Lynn Ledford was born and raised in Western North Carolina and has worked hard to improve the lives of those who live here. Her desire to insure that Western North Carolina thrives as a place to live, work, and raise a family has prompted her to announce her candidacy for the NC 50th District State Senate seat.

Sue Lynn has worked on a variety of issues that impact people’s lives from birth to death including health care, education, tax reform, and family values. Currently a registered nurse and school health coordinator for Cherokee County Public Schools, Sue Lynn manages the school health program, ensuring that our children stay healthy and safe at school. She also educates parents, and teachers about healthy lifeclasss. Seeing first hand the health risks that our children face, she has worked at county, state, and federal levels to improve their lives. As the school health coordinator, Sue Lynn has established and overseen grant programs and budgets of several million dollars. Her efforts have reached out to each of the counties in the 50th District.

Sue Lynn is a founder of the H.O.P.E. Council, a teen pregnancy prevention program. She is a member of Cherokee County Child Protective Services Team. She is also a founder of the School Health Advisory Council, a county and regional effort designed to bring together the efforts of educators, community leaders, and healthcare providers to establish programs addressing problems related to health, safety, and substance abuse issues including the current methamphetamine crisis. In addition, Sue Lynn is the coordinator for the Safe and Drug Free Schools program and is also a founder of a rural School-Based Health Center. These efforts have been recognized by others, including the NC School Nurses Association, which awarded her the NC School Health Administrator of the Year in 2004.

Sue Lynn’s commitment to the people of Western North Carolina is far reaching. As an educator, she has coordinated CPR and First Aid training for the American Red Cross. As a community advocate, she has served as a member of the Tri-County Health Council, and has served as a vice-chair for the Regional System of Care Board for Mental Health Services. She has worked with REACH, a domestic violence shelter in Cherokee and Clay Counties. Sue Lynn was honored by being appointed to the North Carolina Health and Wellness Trust Fund Advisory Council by the current Lieutenant Governor, Beverly Purdue.

Sue Lynn understands the needs of the elderly, having served as a facilitator for a regional Alzheimer’s Support Group and a volunteer with the Arthritis Foundation. She has been appointed to the Southwest Regional Council for Aging, a council that advocates for our senior citizens.

Sue Lynn has advocated for tax reform and protecting property rights of individuals. She has worked closely on these issues with members of U.S. Congress, state legislators, and through FreedomWorks, a nonprofit, nonpartisan citizen advocacy group.

As a member of First Baptist Church in Murphy, she has gone on several mission trips, including a trip in early 2005 to the regions devastated by the recent tsunami. She leads community-wide Action Bible Clubs, helping youth to learn about Jesus Christ and His love for them. She has been a Sunday School teacher for over 25 years.

Finally, Sue Lynn is the first of five children born to Herman and Wilma Murphy of Violet, North Carolina. She has been married for 29 years to Ronnie, and they have four children, Katrina, Leslie, Daniel, and Benjamin. Ronnie and Sue Lynn are the proud grandparents of four grandchildren, Kristin, Corbin, Kaitlyn, and Caleb. Sue Lynn received her BSN at Western Carolina University in 1979 and is a nationally board certified school nurse. Currently she is in the Public Affairs Graduate program at Western Carolina University and is a member of Pi Gamma Mu an International Honor Society in Social Sciences.



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  05/02/2006 NC State Senate 50 - R Primary Lost 42.71% (-1.19%)