Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | Frank A. Barnitz |
Address | PO Box 104 Lake Spring, Missouri 65532, United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
March 17, 1968
(57 years)
Contributor | Wishful Thinking |
Last Modifed | RBH Jun 25, 2015 09:00pm |
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Info | Rep. Frank Barnitz, a Democrat, represents Dent County and parts of Crawford, Phelps, and Reynolds counties (District 150) in the Missouri House of Representatives.
In addition to his legislative duties, Rep. Barnitz is the manager of Barnitz Farms Inc., in Lake Spring, Mo.
Rep. Barnitz currently serves on the board of education for Dent Phelps R-III school in Dent County, the University of Missouri Wurdack Farm advisory committee, a member of Farm Bureau, Dent County Democrats, and Crawford County Democrats and the Dent County Cattlemen's Association. Past positions held include: president, University of Missouri Extension Council for Dent County; president, Dent County Cattlemen's Association; Dent County Lake Spring 4-H Club Leader; past member, Central Ozark Private Industry Council; Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers committee and Agriculture Leaders of Tomorrow.
Rep. Barnitz and his family were awarded the 1995 Farm Family of the Year for Dent County.
A 1986 graduate of Rolla High School, Rep. Barnitz attended Southwest Missouri State University from 1986-1990.
Born March 17, 1968 in Poplar Bluff, Rep. Barnitz lives in Lake Spring with his wife, Lisa, and three children: Leslie, Cami and Kenadee.
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