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  Anderson, Tucker
NameTucker Anderson
Calvert, Texas , United States
Born May 31, 1971 (53 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Sep 07, 2020 02:06pm
InfoTucker Anderson is a sixth generation Robertson County native. He grew up in Calvert, home to the Anderson side of his family, who first settled and started cultivating the fertile Brazos Valley in 1848. His mother’s side of the family came to Texas on the heels of the Civil War and settled in Waco, where Tucker’s great-great grandfather Major Ephriam Wilcox was one of the most highly respected Wacoans of the late 19 th Century.

Tucker attended Allen Academy in Bryan, Texas, through his freshman year of high school, and finished his secondary education at Woodberry Forest School in Virginia. He returned home to earn a B.A. in History from Texas A&M University in College Station, where he was a member of Phi Gamma Delta. During his sophomore year, Tucker spent an influential summer working in Washington, D.C. for both Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) and the House Agriculture Committee.

After A&M, Tucker was employed in Mexico by Southern States, an agricultural cooperative headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. He was accepted to St. Mary’s University School of Law in San Antonio after a year exploring the North American Free Trade Agreement on behalf of Southern States, was admitted to the State Bar of Texas, and settled once again in the Brazos Valley to begin his law practice.

Soon thereafter, Tucker came face-to-face with Congressman Pete Sessions (R-Dallas) at a Robertson County Republican Party rally in New Baden, Texas. When he expressed an interest in helping Pete Sessions with his vision for the district, Tucker was personally asked by his favorite Congressman to come to Washington, where Tucker spent four years of service in Pete Sessions’ Washington D.C. office as the Congressman’s Legislative Director and Counsel.

In Washington, Tucker learned first-hand the duties and responsibilities of a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Tucker worked with energy and initiative to address the issues of Congressman Sessions’ district, which included Tucker’s home and a large part of what is now the new 17th. Major issues that Tucker was responsible for included transportation, agriculture, immigration, veterans, and homeland security. Tucker worked not only to provide the high level of Washington representation Congressman Sessions is known for, but also to expand opportunity and improve the quality of life in the Brazos Valley.

The new 17 th Congressional District is made up of McLennan, Brazos, Bosque, Hood, Johnson, Madison, Hill, Grimes and Somervell counties and parts of Robertson, Limestone, and Burleson counties. Tucker believes in expanding commerce in these counties, creating opportunity for the people who grow, work, and study here. Tucker will represent a new Texas energy in Washington charting the course to greater prosperity in the central Texas counties surrounding the Brazos River.

Tucker is a rancher, licensed pilot, active wildlife conservationist, and avid outdoorsman. He is a member of the Texas A&M Association of Former Students, State Bar of Texas, Texas Farm Bureau, Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Republican National Lawyers Association, National Rifle Association, the Calvert Volunteer Fire Department and the Episcopal Church.

Tucker married Stacy Jameson Anderson in 1999. Stacy grew up in San Angelo and Austin and graduated from Texas A&M University in 1993. She earned a J.D. from St. Mary’s University School of Law and served as an Assistant District Attorney in the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office, worked in the City of College Station City Attorney’s Office and served in the current Bush administration at the U.S. Treasury Department while in Washington. Today, Tucker and Stacy live in Calvert, where Tucker is actively seeking the 2006 Republican nomination for the 17th Congressional District of Texas.



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  07/31/2012 TX State House 012 - R Runoff Lost 49.12% (-1.77%)
  05/29/2012 TX State House 012- R Primary Won 29.55% (+5.79%)
  03/07/2006 TX District 17 - R Primary Lost 45.97% (-8.06%)