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  Hynes, Aaron
NameAaron Hynes
, Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada
Website [Link]
Born 00, 1969 (56 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedUser 13
Dec 21, 2005 08:49pm
InfoAaron Hynes has deep roots in the riding of Bonavista-Gander-Grand Falls-Windsor. His family has lived in various communities in the riding for at least three centuries. His parents now reside in Eastport.

Aaron earned a BA with High Honours in Political Science and a minor in Economics in 1992. After graduating, Aaron served as a commissioned officer in the regular force Canadian Navy for six years.

For the past six years, Aaron has served as legislative assistant to Conservative Members of Parliament in Ottawa. Throughout his time on Parliament Hill, Aaron has consistently been where the action is. He worked for the Opposition Critic for Democratic Reform in 1999 when the government tabled its new Elections Act. His work on that file led to a job offer from the HRDC Critic in the midst of the Liberal government’s “billion-dollar boondoggle” spending scandal in 2000.

Following the 2000 election, Aaron worked for the Critic responsible for Regional Equity, a job that required consulting elected officials from all parties and all provinces. He was involved in producing a report recommending 1) a larger provincial role in the management of the fisheries; 2) equalization reform to allow the Atlantic provinces to keep their offshore resource royalties; and 3) stronger representation in Ottawa for less populated provinces.

In 2001, Aaron assisted the Foreign Affairs Critic at the time of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In 2003, he drafted an Opposition paper on national defence that recommended ways to restore the capabilities, manpower, funding, and morale of Canada’s military.

During the 2004 federal election, Aaron managed a winning campaign in an Ontario riding. He still works on Parliament Hill as the legislative assistant to the Conservative Treasury Board Critic.

Aaron plays hockey and is a competitive marksman. He remains involved in the Naval Reserve, and is a member of the Naval Officers’ Association of Canada and Royal Canadian Legion Branch 41 in Eastport. He is 36 years old.



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  05/02/2011 NL Parliament - Bonavista–Gander–Grand Falls–Windsor Lost 27.49% (-30.31%)
  01/23/2006 NL Parliament - Bonavista–Gander–Grand Falls–Windsor Lost 40.28% (-11.76%)