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  Robeson, Paul
NamePaul Robeson
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , United States
Born April 09, 1898
DiedJanuary 23, 1976 (77 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedE Pluribus Unum
May 25, 2024 05:20pm
Tags Black -
InfoIn Princeton, New Jersey on April 9, 1898, Paul Robeson was born to a former slave, the Rev. William Robeson. His mother, a teacher, died shortly thereafter when he was only five years old. Three years later, the Robeson family moved to Westfield, New Jersey. In 1910, Robeson's father became pastor of St.Thomas A.M.E. Zion Church and the Robeson family moved to Somerville, New Jersey. Paul Robeson attended Somerville High School. There, Robeson excelled in sports, drama, singing, academics, and debating. He graduated from Somerville High School in 1915.

Robeson was awarded a four year academic scholarship to Rutgers University in 1915, the third black student in the history of the institution. Despite the openly racist and violent opposition he faced, Robeson became a twelve letter athlete excelling in baseball, basketball, football, and track. He was named to the All American Football team on two occasions. In addition to his athletic talents, Robeson was named a Phi Beta Kappa scholar, belonged to the Cap & Skull Honor Society, and graduated valedictorian of his class in 1919.

He went on to study law at Columbia in New York and received his degree in 1923. There he met and married Eslanda Cardozo Goode, who was the first black woman to head a pathology laboratory. Robeson worked as a law clerk in New York, but once again faced discrimination and soon left the practice because a white secretary refused to take dictation from him.

At this point in his life, Paul returned to his childhood love of drama and singing. He starred in Eugene O'Neill's All God's Chillun Got Wings in 1924, creating the starring role. While the racial subject matter of the play spurred controversy and protest, he went on to star in another play by O'Neill - Emperor Jones. Perhaps he is most widely recognized from the musical Showboat, where he changed the lines of the song "Old Man River". His eleven films included Body and Soul, Jericho, and Proud Valley.

His concert career reads like a world traveler's passport: New York, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Germany, Paris, Holland, London, Moscow, and Nairobi. His travels taught him that racism was not as prevalent in Europe as it was back home. In the United States, he couldn't enter theaters through the front door or sing without intimidation and protest, but in London he was welcomed with open arms and standing ovations. Robeson believed in the universality of music and that by performing Negro spirituals and other cultures' folk songs, he could promote intercultural understanding. As a result, he became a citizen of the world, singing for peace and equality in twenty-five languages.

During the 1940's Robeson continued to have success on the stage, in film, and in concert halls, but remained face to face with prejudice and racism. After finding the Soviet Union to be a tolerant and friendly nation, he began to protest the growing Cold War hostilities between the United States and the USSR. He began to question why African-Americans should support a government that did not treat them as equals. At a time when dissent was hardly tolerated, Robeson was looked upon as an enemy by his government. In 1947, he was named by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, and the State Department denied him a passport until 1958. Events such as these, along with a negative public response, led to the demise of his public career.

Paul Robeson died on January 23, 1976, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania after living in seclusion for ten years. Robeson's legacy has been an inspiration to millions around the world. His courageous stance against oppression and inequality inpart led to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Through his stage and film performances he opened doors to inter-racial performances. With his travels across America and abroad, he opened the world's eyes to oppression. Robeson stood tall and proud against powerful governmental and societal forces. He remains in our memory a successful scholar, athlete, performer, and activist.

In the words of Paul Robeson: "To be free -to walk the good American earth as equal citizens, to live without fear, to enjoy the fruits of our toil to give our children every opportunity in life - that dream which we have held so long in our hearts is today the destiny that we hold in our hands."

Some great college football players used the sport to go on to bigger and better things. Paul Robeson of Rutgers was one of those college students. Robeson went on to become a world renown actor and singer (most known for his signature, "Ol' Man River") along with being a strong social activist. Robeson became a political activist for his founding of the socialist Progressive Party fighting for change in the treatment of blacks and in the social structure in general.

Robeson excelled as much in the Rutgers classrooms as he did on the football field as class valedictorian before going on to receive a law degree from Columbia. While all his accomplishments were amazing for any student, it's even greater when considering the times. This was the early 1900's and Robeson was the 3rd black to ever attend Rutgers. In football, he was beaten up on the "scrub" team before the players came around to accepting him. He got past the rough beginning to become "the colored wonder" according to the local newspapers as one of the greatest players to step on the gridiron in the first half of the century.

Ringing endorsement: "He is the greatest to ever trot the gridiron," stated Walter Camp when naming him to his 1918 All-American team. He was a solid pass catcher and ball carrier on offense but really excelled as a devastating blocker. On defense, he played what could be best termed as middle linebacker and was a feared hitter. He also kicked off and kicked extra points. Rutgers, who was average before Robeson arrived, was 22-6-3 during his time as Rutgers outscored teams 941-191.

Fighting through racism: In 1916, Washington & Lee protested playing against a black player and the coaching staff claimed Roberson was "injured" and held him out. In Robeson's junior year, West Virginia protested, but this time head coach George Foster Sanford said he was playing. The WVU players went out to really hurt Robeson, but he held tough and dished it out as good as he took it earning the respect of West Virginia head coach Greasy Neale who told his team to "give him a break" after seeing how well he played without complaining. After the game, when Robeson pulled off his socks, he pulled off chunks of skin as well.

Signature performance: Robeson's best game may have been against the undefeated Newport Naval Reserve which was a wartime team loaded with many of the best players in America. Robeson starred on defense, threw the block to lead to their second touchdown, and caught a TD for the opening points of the game on their way to a 14-0 win.

All-Around Athlete: Along with being a two-time All-American on the football field, he won 11 letters in baseball, basketball and track. after school, he played in the American Professional Football League earning an amazing $500 a game.


All-American (Rutgers 1st) - 1917, 1918
Rutgers sports Hall of Fame - 1988
College Football Hall of Fame - 1995
Rutgers, graduated Phi Beta Kappa and was class valedictorian
Three Rutgers buildings are named after him, none are athletic facilities



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PSU:9399Juan Croniqueur ( -34.0791 points)
Fri, February 7, 2025 02:11:21 AM UTC0:00
I just read that he was considered for VP on Henry Wallace's ticket in 1948.

I:9951E Pluribus Unum ( -405.4800 points)
Fri, February 7, 2025 03:21:57 AM UTC0:00
Yeah I think I stumbled upon that at SOME point during research, but IDK how serious the endeavor was.

Probably would have made the Wallace Communist Allegations look HELLA worse

Importance? 8.00000 Average

Wife Eslanda G. Robeson Aug 00, 1921-Dec 13, 1965

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