Dr. Fawzy Khalil Mohamed Ghazal
(Misr 2000 Party)
Campaign platform
Political and Administrative reform:
• Full popular participation in decision-making process, by choosing the leaders of all posts via free elections
• Establishing a true bicameral legislature, including House of representatives and Senate
• Guaranteeing the freedom of and independence of the press and all mass media
• Establishing specialized public agencies to develop national policies
• Guaranteeing the freedom of peaceful expression
• Guaranteeing an unrestricted right to establish political parties and newspapers
• Abolishing the emergency law
• Ensuring complete governmental transparency and freedom of information
Economic and Social Policy:
• Promoting comprehensive human development
• Ensuring the efficient use of national resources
• Delineating new governorate boundaries to ensure that every governorate includes arable land and access to the Nile
• Increasing desert land reclamation
• Tackling the negative effects of the GATT agreement on the Egyptian pharmaceutical industry
• Developing new policies in the areas of education, culture and youth affairs
Foreign Policy
• Promoting the establishment an Arab trade organization
• Enhancing cooperation with African states
• Promote the restitution of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people
• •Establishing a sub-regional organization for Nile Basin States
Personal Information
Name Fawzy Khalil Mohamed Ghazal
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Age N/A
Party Misr 2000 Party
Contact Information
Street Address N/A
City/District N/A
Governorate N/A
Telephone 04/3322515 – 04/3342989
Mobile 010/1085235
Fax 010/3322515
E-Mail misr2000party@hotmail.com
PhD in teaching techniques of mathematics California , USA N/A
Degree Institution Year
Diploma in Education Ein Shams University N/A
Degree Institution Year
General Diploma Ein Shams University N/A
Degree Institution Year
High Teaching Diploma Higher Education Institute N/A
Degree Institution Year
Professional Experience
Professor of Mathematics Egyptian Ministry of Education N/A
Position Organization Dates
Professor of Mathematics & Teachers' training Ministry of Education - Saudi Arabia N/A
Position Organization Dates
Advisor/Expert - Mathematics Curricula Ministery of Education -Bahrain N/A
Position Organization Dates
Professor of Mathematics Oman N/A
Position Organization Dates
Political experience:
Founder/President Misr 2000 Party 2001
Position Organization Dates
Civic Experience
Founder National Popular Democratic Coalition 1995
Position Organization Dates
Editor-in- chief Al-Wehda (unity) Magazine 1962
Position Organization Dates
Founder Anti-Colonialism National Front 1954
Position Organization Dates
Spokesperson Information
Name: Mr. Khaled Othman
Street Address N/A
City/District N/A
Governorate N/A
Telephone 02-455-4199 / 012-374-9791
Email N/A
Website N/A