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  Young, Steve
NameSteve Young
Newport Beach, California , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedDavid
Jan 31, 2023 04:52pm
Tags Married -
InfoSteve Young was born in Southern California to a working family. One grandfather was a coal miner, the other a railroad conductor. His father worked in aerospace and his mother was a nurse. Steve supported himself and a young family while working his way through the University of Utah, and later Pepperdine Law School. He has four children is married to Solange, who is also a lawyer.

After graduating, Steve moved to Orange County where he has practiced law since 1980. He has dedicated his law practice to representing the common man against huge odds. His working class roots and his law practice have shaped his fierce opposition to the corporate cheaters and wasteful Washington spending that are sapping our middle class and draining its jobs. Steve believes that a flourishing middle class of working families and small businesses is the foundation of a new American prosperity.

In private practice, Steve repeatedly struck blows for justice, opportunity and fairness. In Steve’s first jury trial, he represented a Hispanic mother of three against Southern California Gas Company, which was trying to foreclose a wrongful lien against her home. Steve not only invalidated the lien, but obtained a $450,000 award for the mother.

Last summer, Steve represented thirty-three electricians whose boss had taken two-thirds of their pay for work they did on public works projects. Steve agreed to take the case on a contingent fee basis because the workers otherwise could not have prosecuted their claims. Steve not only won the case, but recovered enough for each worker to receive full wages.

2010: Early Primary Candidate for AD-68 (Withdrew)



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  11/06/2012 CA State Senate 37 Lost 42.98% (-14.05%)
  06/05/2012 CA State Senate 37- Open Primary Won 36.41% (+0.00%)
  11/04/2008 CA - District 48 Lost 40.67% (-14.94%)
  06/03/2008 CA District 48- D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/07/2006 CA - District 48 Lost 37.23% (-22.68%)
  06/06/2006 CA District 48 - D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  12/06/2005 CA - District 48 Special Runoff Lost 27.76% (-16.67%)
  10/04/2005 CA - District 48 Special Won 8.92% (-37.06%)