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  The Bible Says So: What We Get Right (and Wrong)
TitleThe Bible Says So: What We Get Right (and Wrong)
ASIN1250347467 - Purchase This Book
Last ModifiedBrentinCO - January 23, 2025 12:15pm
DescriptionBible scholar and popular TikToker Dan McClellan confronts misconceptions about the Bible.

The Bible is the world’s most influential book, but do we really know what it says? Every day across social media and in homes, businesses, and public spaces, people try to cut debate short by claiming that "the Bible says so!" However, they commonly disagree about what it actually does and doesn't say, particularly when it comes to socially significant issues. For instance, does the Bible say we should be on the lookout for an antichrist associated with the number 666? Does it say women shouldn’t wear revealing clothing? Does it say it’s okay to hit your kids?

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