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  My Life
TitleMy Life
ASINB0053WRG3E - Purchase This Book
Last ModifiedCraverguy - November 17, 2011 06:23am
Description"My Life indeed is a far more fascinating book than I expected, by a far more fascinating man than I realised. We are confronted by a man of powerful will and bold intelligence... a truly formidable figure. -Geoffrey Moorhouse, The Guardian

"In his extrordinary career as soldier, politician, socialite, international sportsman, he has known most of the prominent people of his time... a spectacular career." -George Murray, Daily Mail

"His autobiography is a work of considerable distinction. The greatest comet of British politics in the 20th century. An orator of the highest rank... He produced, almost unaided, a programme of economic reconstruction which surpassed anything offered by Lloyd George or, in the United States, by F.D. Roosevelt... A superb political thinker, the best of our age." -A.J.P. Taylor, The Observer

"He came near to diverting the whole course of British history ... What Mosley so valiantly stood for could have saved his country from the Hungry Thirties and the Second World War." -Michael Foot, Evening Standard

"Mosley is the only man I have ever known who could have been a very great Prime Minister ... His diagnosis was right ... an enormously gifted man." -Lord Boothby in a BBC broadcast

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