Published on Aug 18, 2020
#ustp #transhumanist #transhumanism #2020elections #charliekam #presidentcandidate2020
Charlie Kam is a singer/songwriter, entrepreneur & transhumanist who was the conference chairman of TransVision 2007. he is member of the World Transhumanist Association, Immortalist Institute, World Future Society, Singularity Institute, and Alcor life foundation
Director of Networking for the California Transhumanist Party and is the U.S. Transhumanist Party 2020 candidate for President.
The U.S. Transhumanist Party is focused on policy rather than politics as conventionally defined & value initiatives, reforms that will improve the human condition for as many people as possible, with as much beneficial impact as possible.
Charlie Kam stands for human life extension achieved through the progress of science and technology and advancements of liberty, education, and technological progress through transhumanist politics.
-The Official Links of Charlie Kam-
Linkedin: [Link]
California Transhumanist Party [Link]
Transhumanist Party [Link]