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   to Charlotte K-A
Screen NameCharlotte K-A   
NameCharlotte Kayne-Amoureux
LocationSeattle, ,
BirthdayJuly 20, 1999
First LoginAugust 29, 2019 03:40pm
Last LoginJune 12, 2024 02:11am
Predictions Points: 29.7972
Predictions: 169/200 (84.50%)
Points Per: 29.7972/200 (0.15)
Emote Messages 6
S:10358Charlotte K-A ( 29.80 points)
May 24, 2023 07:03am
i'm going to engage in this conversation once and only once.

i speak as a trans person who has been openly trans now for 10 years. what we are seeing, in Florida especially, with the bathroom bills and culturally with trans people writ large being labeled predators and groomers and the incitement of violence and everything in between is absolutely part of a genocide against trans people. there are trans people fleeing states and the country because of the persecution, legal and extralegal, they fear they would face. i have never felt so unsafe as a trans woman.

to say what we are experiencing as a community is not genocide is to spit in our faces and tell us "it's not that bad, stop exaggerating."

there are states where we are barred from receiving necessary medication, from literally pissing in an appropriate public restroom. we are forbidden to discuss our own identity in certain public places.

you tell me what that sounds like.

S:10358Charlotte K-A ( 29.80 points)
April 07, 2022 02:22pm
I wonder if we should replace the REJECTED picture? Perhaps just a circle with a slashthrough?

S:10358Charlotte K-A ( 29.80 points)
January 26, 2022 10:41am
Yes, I too hate that we can just go willy-nilly on maps that will last us a decade and potentially dilute the votes of marginalized people (sarcasm)

S:10358Charlotte K-A ( 29.80 points)
December 15, 2021 07:19pm
The number of curable ballots is ~380. With a margin of 317 as of tonight, I'm going to call this race.

S:10358Charlotte K-A ( 29.80 points)
September 28, 2021 12:38pm
Over her lifetime, the Queen has been commonly known as "Princess Elizabeth of York", then "The Duchess of Edinburgh", before becoming Queen.

In my proposal her OC name would change to "Queen Elizabeth II" with "former names" listed as above.

S:10358Charlotte K-A ( 29.80 points)
September 28, 2021 03:06am
Was thinking of maybe adjusting the Royals' candidate names to their final/current name + title, with previous names + titles in the "former names" designation. Does that sound logical?

  Discussion 0-25 of 6