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  Baker, Wayne
NameWayne Baker
Baltimore, Maryland , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Feb 18, 2024 03:39am
Tags Black -
InfoMy name is Wayne H. Baker and born/raised in Baltimore, Maryland. I love our great city and disappointed that year-after-year, “politicians” continue to ignore Baltimore’s most valuable asset, it’s citizens. “It’s OUR time and It’s OUR turn” to choose SOLUTIONS over politicians and together we will rebuild safe and productive communities. I invite you to support my 2024 candidacy for MAYOR of the CITY of BALTIMORE!

Baltimore neighborhoods, that once thrived, are now suffocated by abandoned homes, crime and misguided residents who cannot access quality education or enriching resources. I founded GET “WIT” THE PROGRAM (GWTP) over ten years ago to inspire, educate and empower Baltimore’s under-served Black residents. “SOLUTION” #1 will be the Baltimore INNER CITY TRADE SCHOOL (BICTS). The Baltimore INNER CITY TRADE SCHOOL will acquire vacant/abandoned buildings in Baltimore for our students to gain practical experience in URBAN REHABILITATION. In turn, we’ll coordinate opportunities for our students to become future home owners of these renovated homes.

Vote SOLUTION over POLITICIAN, and we will train /certify 10,000 students and renovate 10,000 houses in 10 years. With the support of experienced professionals and community leaders, we will open State-of-the-Art training facilities across Baltimore to provide instruction, hands-on training, professional certification and life-skills coaching.

Black people in-particular share common life challenges. These road-blocks are detrimental to anyone’s success. So, “SOLUTION” #2 will address several major issues including Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Anger Management to help steer our students and citizens on a steady road to success.

Our team of Community leaders, business professionals and skilled-tradesmen have already invested time and personal resources to launch this project, but we need your support and commitment as well. We invite you to be an “Ambassador” of the Baltimore INNER CITY TRADE SCHOOL Project.

Read more about the INNER CITY TRADE SCHOOL Project and more “UNCLE WAYNE” SOLUTIONS on this website. And stay-tuned for details about our upcoming “PROJECTS”. Thank you for your your support and VOTE for change!



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